Your Java code isn't async, but your JSNI method and JS function are - the imageCapture() method is passing an async function to ``, and expected it to return right away. Instead, your `imageCapture` method should take a java-annotated @JsFunction and pass that in place of onSuccess (and probably onFailure too).
On Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 12:55:18 AM UTC-5, cRaZy cRuZz wrote:
-- On Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 12:55:18 AM UTC-5, cRaZy cRuZz wrote:
Here it is ...!-->I am calling cordova implementation from this coding.//Handles imageCapture iconfinal Image cameraIcon = new Image(ImageNameConstants.CAMERA); cameraIcon.setStylePrimaryName( StyleConstants.CONDITION_ IMAGE); cameraIcon.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {@Overridepublic void onClick(ClickEvent event) {Log.debug("onClick");if (!isReadOnly() && isEditable()){if (ClientSettings.isMobileNative()){ imageData = imageCapture(); //This might wrong iam not getting data.FileContent fileContent = new FileContent();if (imageData != null){fileContent.setFileContent(imageData.getBytes()); FileRPCServiceAsync cameraRpc = ServiceFactory.getService(FileRPCService.class, FileContent.class); cameraRpc.saveFile(fileContent, new BaseAsyncCallback<FileContent>(messagePresenter) { @Overridepublic void handleSuccess(FileContent file) {}@Overridepublic boolean handleException(Throwable caught) {Log.error("Error in saving file status:"+ ErrorMessageHandler.stringify(caught)); return true;}});}}private native String imageCapture()/*-{if ($wnd.isImageSupported()){return $wnd.imageCapture();}else{//var imageCaptureWidget = $doc.getElementById();alert("NO-image");}}-*/;});-->This my JS code.function isImageSupported(){var supported = true;return supported;}function imageCapture(){if(isImageSupported()){try {, onFail, { quality: 50,destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL, sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA });function onSuccess(imageData) {return imageData;}function onFail(message) {alert('Failed because: ' + message);}} catch(e){alert("CAPTURE-ERROR-Works On Mobile Devices Only.");}}}please some one help me after taking image i need that base64 string in js to java async call, how to achieve this by using jsInterop.
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