Wednesday, January 10, 2018

GWT and Guava collect

Hi all.
I am checking out Google Guava, and how to use it in GWT, but having a problem with it.

It seems that I can use things from (Joiner, Splitter, Strings, MoreObjects) without a problem.

But when I try to use something from like Lists or FluentIterable the compiler spits out an error.

For example when trying List<Person> personList = Lists.newArrayList(person1, person2, person3, person4);

[ERROR] Errors in 'com/google/common/collect/super/com/google/common/collect/' [ERROR] Line 38: The method createFrom(T[], int) is undefined for the type Array Tracing compile failure path for type '' [ERROR] Errors in 'com/google/common/collect/super/com/google/common/collect/' [ERROR] Line 38: The method createFrom(T[], int) is undefined for the type Array [ERROR] Hint: Your source appears not to live underneath a subpackage called 'client'; no problem, but you'll need to use the <source> directive in your module to make it accessible

Anyone has any idea what is going on ?

I added guava-gwt-23.0.jar and guava-gwt-23.0.jar from to my classpath.

Using GWT2.8.2

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