T 144 224 224 240 2 100 1 0 0 0.999
c 368 176 400 176 2 1e-11 0
c 352 272 384 272 2 1e-11 0
l 496 336 416 336 2 10000 0
l 240 112 304 112 2 10000 0
w 464 192 432 192 0
w 432 160 496 160 0
w 288 336 288 256 0
w 288 256 320 256 0
w 464 192 464 112 0
w 240 160 240 112 0
w 272 288 320 288 0
w 496 336 496 288 0
r 384 112 464 112 0 470000
160 272 176 240 176 0 4.500000000000001e-9 10000000
w 256 240 256 192 0
160 400 176 432 176 0 4.500000000000001e-9 10000000
160 352 272 320 272 0 4.500000000000001e-9 10000000
160 464 272 496 272 0 4.500000000000001e-9 10000000
w 224 320 272 320 0
w 256 240 480 240 0
w 480 240 480 256 0
w 256 240 256 304 0
w 256 304 336 304 0
w 336 304 336 288 0
w 480 240 480 128 0
w 480 128 416 128 0
w 416 128 416 160 0
x 154 358 293 361 4 15 http://is.gd/infinitegain
x 269 223 464 226 4 13 circuit-20180130-0100.circuitjs.txt
x 155 318 212 321 4 18 Vinyasi
x 344 310 439 313 4 13 AIR-CORE\sCOIL
w 496 256 528 256 0
w 528 256 528 368 0
w 528 368 144 368 0
w 144 368 144 256 0
w 496 160 496 48 0
w 496 48 144 48 0
x 299 79 409 82 4 15 AIR-CORE\sCOIL
w 272 128 208 128 0
w 144 160 144 48 0
A 192 160 192 192 0 1 40 5 0 0 0.5
r 288 336 352 336 0 470000
r 144 160 144 224 0 22000
r 224 256 224 320 0 22000
x 153 271 210 274 4 11 100H\s@\s1:1
187 320 176 368 176 0 3000 1000000 65 0.003
187 384 272 416 272 0 3000 1000000 65 0.003
r 320 176 272 176 0 180
r 416 272 464 272 0 180
w 416 128 272 128 0
w 224 192 240 192 0
c 144 160 192 160 2 5.599999999999999e-7 0
R 208 128 208 80 0 2 80 3 0 0 0.6
w 224 192 224 224 0
w 272 320 272 288 0
r 304 112 384 112 0 2000000
r 352 336 416 336 0 2000000
x 138 425 491 428 4 15 EVERY\s12.5\sMILLI\sSECONDS\sCLIMBING\sTO\sINFINITY.
b 213 181 211 159 0
x 197 174 209 177 4 24 ↕
x 144 468 156 471 4 24 ↕
b 162 474 160 452 0
x 195 474 531 477 4 14 BETWEEN\sIT\sAND\sTHE\sANTENNA\sPLATE.\sBOTH\sTHE
b 141 474 139 452 0
x 129 490 149 493 4 13 Ant
x 218 174 235 177 4 13 FP
x 167 468 184 471 4 13 FP
o 4 64 0 4163 4.999999999999999e-16 1e-17 0 2 4 3
o 4 64 0 4353 5 0.1 1 2 4 3
o 3 64 0 4353 5 0.1 2 2 3 3
o 4 64 0 4354 5 0.1 3 2 4 3
o 3 64 0 4354 5 0.1 4 2 3 3
o 41 64 0 4353 5 0.1 5 2 41 3
o 41 64 0 4354 5 0.1 6 1
$ 1 1e-11 5.934295036739208 18 5 42
l 272 16 272 -32 2 1 0
r 272 64 272 16 0 20
c 224 112 160 112 2 1000 0
187 160 112 160 64 0 3000 1000000 65 0.003
c 160 0 160 32 2 0.000009999999999999999 1e-15
r 160 32 160 64 0 0.000001
c 384 0 384 32 2 0.000009999999999999999 1e-15
187 384 112 384 64 0 3000 1000000 65 0.003
c 384 112 320 112 2 1000 0
r 384 32 384 64 0 0.000001
r 272 112 224 112 0 0.000001
r 320 112 272 112 0 0.000001
c 384 -32 272 -32 2 1000 0
c 272 -32 160 -32 2 1000 0
r 160 -32 160 0 0 0.000001
r 384 -32 384 0 0 0.000001
187 272 112 272 64 0 3000 1000000 65 0.003
x -106 20 131 23 4 12 This\scapacitor\sis\sprecharged\swith\s1\spV.\s\s\s--->
x 443 21 676 24 4 12 <--\s\s\sThis\scapacitor\sis\sprecharged\swith\s1\spV.
x -83 48 100 51 4 12 circuit-20170918-1033.circuitjs.txt
x 503 41 614 44 4 12 http://is.gd/capboom
o 0 64 0 4355 5 0.1 0 2 0 3
Paul Falstad makes available to developers his Java source code for his electronic simulator...
Using the Eclipse (Neon) platform coupled with the GWT app from Google to translate Paul's source code into JavaScript has produced a strange anomaly.
If I run the exact same circuit in his original Java version...
...I get very different results, sometimes, then if I run the same circuit in his JavaScript version...
The difference is phenomenal. Infinite gain on some circuits is possible - some so suddenly, that it can be very surprising...
He never wrote his simulator with JavaScript in mind. Nor does he participate in its translation from its originally coded version in Java. Yet, electronics theory gets turned on its head whenever I spend countless hours developing my own circuits that defy conventional wisdom!
For example...
Anyone have any idea what might be occurring?
-- https://github.com/pfalstad/circuitjs1
Using the Eclipse (Neon) platform coupled with the GWT app from Google to translate Paul's source code into JavaScript has produced a strange anomaly.
If I run the exact same circuit in his original Java version...
...I get very different results, sometimes, then if I run the same circuit in his JavaScript version...
The difference is phenomenal. Infinite gain on some circuits is possible - some so suddenly, that it can be very surprising...
He never wrote his simulator with JavaScript in mind. Nor does he participate in its translation from its originally coded version in Java. Yet, electronics theory gets turned on its head whenever I spend countless hours developing my own circuits that defy conventional wisdom!
For example...
Anyone have any idea what might be occurring?
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