Thursday, October 12, 2017

Re: Custom Events and Elements with Elemental 2

You can try the GWT polymer (web components) wrapper:

Wither you can use built-in polymer components; or create your own (just look at the source code)

Also take a look at:

which auto generates GWT api for polymer elements, so no need to be out of Java world for most cases.

On Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 7:08:05 AM UTC-4, nikola wrote:
Ok, Thanks! I'll try with web components. As a java programer I'v been trying to avoid digging too much in javascript but it's inevitable it seems :)

On Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 12:43:56 PM UTC+2, Thomas Broyer wrote:
This is not how the DOM works I'm afraid. How would your proposed code would translate to JS? (feel free to use ES2015 classes for clarity)
(btw, I really do think Web Components would solve your issues, as I see them)

On Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 12:21:11 PM UTC+2, nikola wrote:

When I say "custom element" I mean:

public class CustomElement implements IsElement {

//    private HandlerManager handlerManager; ?

List<String> someUserObject; //state object of CustomElement

HTMLElement root = Js.cast(DomGlobal.document.createElement("div"));

public HTMLElement asElement() {
        return root;

    public static void test() {
        CustomElement customElement = new CustomElement();
        customElement.asElement().addEventListener("click", evt -> {

             // is not CustomElement so we can't access e.g someUserObject 

           //We can map DOM events to custom events fired through HandlerManager with source field set to CustomElement (double work.. )

Also when working with custom elements constructed as above we need some discipline to remove objects both logically and from DOM (as you said we need to keep them in sync).. 

We are coming to something that looks like a Panel

class Panel implements IsElement {

    List<IsElement> componentList;

    HTMLElement root;

public HTMLElement asElement() {
        return root;

    public void add(IsElement component) {
        // add to componentList
        // add to DOM

    public void remove(IsElement component) {
        //remove from componentList
        //remove from DOM

So it would be good to have something like this :

public abstract class CustomElementComposite extends HTMLElement implements IsElement {

    List<String> someUserObject;

    protected void initComposite(HTMLElement element) {
        //If we could encapsulate element to become actually CustomElementComposite like Widget Composite

public HTMLElement asElement() {
        return this;

    public static void test() {
        CustomElementComposite element = new CustomElementComposite() {};

        element.addEventListener("click", evt -> {
            //  is CustomElementComposite

        // we don't need any additional mapping for adding and removing
HTMLElement parent = Js.cast(DomGlobal.document.createElement("div"));

This way we are adding events directly and there is no additional synchronization with DOM when adding and removing components.

I must inspect but I'm not sure if Web Component can solve this (in the way widget's composite did).. I'd rather have web component as a option.

On Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 10:48:05 AM UTC+2, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 4:12:14 PM UTC+2, nikola wrote:

  Users would expect to have events with source from where event was fired. That was source field in GWT events. In your implementation we will need to intercept DOM event and fire new event with source field of custom element. (e.g re-fire through EventHandler). This is kind of double work. 

  Another thing that we need to care about is if add and then remove some custom element from DOM like element.removeChild(customElement.asElement()) we also need to remove reference to custom element to be garbage collected? Since only asElement() is removed from DOM not custom element object itself. If I'm right...

  This is why it would be good if custom element can extends Element and wrap inner element like Widget Composite.

I'm really not clear about what you want to do, and what you actually mean by "custom element".
Do you mean Web Components? In this case, they'd have to extend HTMLElement and, at least with elemental2-dom 1.0.0-beta-1, set the connectedCallback, attachedCalback, etc. Encapsulation is then provided by the shadow DOM.
Or do you mean "kind of widgets, that just happen to map one-to-one with a DOM element and its subtree"? In this case, you're indeed *wrapping* an element, and that means you're going to have parallel hierarchies or such widgets/components on one hand, and DOM elements on the other hand, and will need to maintain both in sync (this is what GWT Widgets do, and I believe more or less how React works too).

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