Friday, May 22, 2015

Issue with a modified interface not beeing updated to the code generator (GWT 2.7.0)


A user of a framework I'm maintaining (gwt-view) reported a weird bug with one of the code generators, when using the super dev mode with incremental compile: when he updates an interface, used by the generator to generate the output code, the modified version is not updated, and the generator generates a wrong output.

Basically, imagine this interface:

@GinModules(BackOfficeModule.class)  public interface BackOfficeInjector extends Ginjector {        LoginView getLoginView();    }

... and then he updates it, inserting a new method:

@GinModules(BackOfficeModule.class)  public interface BackOfficeInjector extends Ginjector {      
getNotFoundView(); LoginView getLoginView(); }

... the interface used by the code generator to create new classes is the old one (without the getNotFoundView method). The PresenterGenerator of gwt-views doesn't see the new method and can't produce the presenter for the new View. Restarting the code server solves the problem, but it is quite annoying.

Do you have any idea of what is going on here?

The full bug report is available at:

Thanks in advance.

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