Monday, July 4, 2022

Re: Your src appears not to live underneath a subpackage called 'client',but you'll need to use the directive in your module to make it accessible

Hi Jen & Thomas,

I was able to resolve that issue but now I am stuck at a different issue.

Now my project structure related to webapp is below as folllows:


      gxt -----> Some folder and files 
      js  -----> Some folder and files '
         web.xml       -----> Some servlets, their mappings and index.html in welcome-file-list tag

Scenario 1)
Now If I start codeserver then from the GWT eclipse plugin then it does not allows me to use  -noServer flag and it gives me a url after starting super dev mode 
and then displays message: Visit a web page that uses one of these modules
After selecting one of the link it displays a empty page on the browser and in the logs 
GET /nos/js.nocache.js
   Sent error page: not found:

Scenario 2)
Now if I run super dev mode from gwt eclipse plugin then it gives me an ClassNotFoundError for javax.sql.datasource
1)So is my folder structure correct to dispay the application host page ?
2) Also is there any documentation on how to use external servlet container along with super dev mode in eclipse plugin 

Can you let me know on this issue

On Saturday, July 2, 2022 at 1:52:47 PM UTC+5:30 wrote:
I suppose you've changed the way you call SuperDevMode to pass it com.cname.proj.client.Main too: SuperDevMode expects the module name, not the entrypoint class name. So you'd give SuperDevMode com.cname.proj.Main (which is the name of the Main.gwt.xml), in which it'll find the entrypoint class name.

On Saturday, July 2, 2022 at 2:05:54 AM UTC+2 wrote:
Hi Jen, 

I have changed my entry point to 
class='com.cname.proj.client.Main. But now super devmode is  now giving me an error not able to find com/cname/proj/client/Main.gwt.xml in the classpath. It forces me to keen Main.gwt.xml and in the same folder/package and then it is giving me forgot to inherit some module error. 

Thanks & Regards,
Abhishek Yadav

On Sat, Jul 2, 2022, 2:05 AM Jens <> wrote:

    Content in Main.gwt.xml
    <module rename-to="js">
     <inherits name=''/>
     <inherits name=''/>
    <inherits name='com.cname.proj.Common' />
    <inherits name='com.sencha.gxt.ui.GXT'/>

    <entry-point class='com.cname.proj.Main' />
    <source path="client" />
    <source path="service"/>

With that configuration the GWT compiler can see packages com.cname.proj.client and com.cname.proj.service in your main project. However your entry point is not in any of these packages. You need to move the entry point into the client package and update the <entry-point> accordingly.

-- J.

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