Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Re: Building a GWT project in Eclipse 2019-03+ with Java 11.

Hi Jim,

I am working with GWT 2.8.2 + Java11 in a multi module maven project. You can use to create a simple archetype from it and start putting your classes according it usage (that information is described in the links shared by Thomas).  To run/debug the project, I execte mvn gwt:codeserver from parent project (pom artifact) and I created a Eclipse launcher at server artifact (it starts a Jenkins webapp). Let me know if it is clear. 

In my case, the server is a spring boot application. There are some tricks to handle the static content, but you workaround them by adding some properties. I could provide a simple sample if you want.


On Wed, 24 Jul 2019 at 12:40, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:

On Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at 5:14:42 PM UTC+2, Jim Douglas wrote:
> Sure. Use a build tool of your choice and use the maven dependencies. 

I don't know what that means. As far as I've ever known, developing a GWT application in Eclipse implies installing the GWT Plugin for Eclipse and picking a GWT SDK.

Install the GWT Eclipse Plugin (; note that the SDKs are optional).
You're all set; the plugin will use the GWT dependencies from the Maven project.

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