Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Re: The Chrome 24 Animation bug and unstable APIs in general

Thanks Thomas. Another great discussion, but I'm really surprised by all of the enterprise software hate.

Obviously, the core issue is that too many people don't get the Web, but that's another debate.
Of those people, who came complaining in the forum, some said they couldn't even recompile their app with the workaround (i.e. we're not even talking about updating to GWT 2.5 here, which would imply going through non-regression tests, etc. just applying a small workaround, recompiling and redeploying).

As I said, we sell software that is compiled by GWT and deployed behind firewalls within organizations. We can recompile and post patches, but it's up to them to redeploy. They might not see that code for 6-12 months in some cases depending on their policies. To give you a sense of the challenge, many of them are still using IE7 as their primary browser, but of course those people weren't affected.

You might argue everything web should be SAAS, but many of our customers aren't going there and have good reasons.

I hope you can appreciate my predicament.

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 9:12:36 PM UTC-5, Thomas Broyer wrote:
See also https://plus.google.com/114156500057804356924/posts/45D9ZfZkF28

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:11:16 PM UTC+1, Jens wrote:
Take a look at

-- J.

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