Thursday, August 30, 2012

GWT Window.localtion.assign redirect is not working in tomcat/jetty server


i am using gwt to create a web application.

when a user presses the logout button, i want to be able to refresh the page(or basically redirect to the homepage)as my GWT application runs only on one html page.

what is the programmatic code to do this?

I am doing Async calls to to the server side on button click  and able to clear the cookies and refresh as well , but redirect is not happening .

i am using Window.localtion.assign (GWT.getHomePageURL+"index.html")   on the client side code , but it's not  redirecting to index.html .

one more observation is it is working in DEV environment but once deployed on external servers like Tomcat/Jetty , redirect is hot happening , all the time  its going to some other page.

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated ...








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