I assume you have everything (client, shared server code) in the same project in IntelliJ. Then IntelliJ has likely already detected the Web Facet for your project. If not you have to add that Web Facet in the Project Structure configuration screen in IntelliJ. Make sure that Deployment Descriptor (web.xml) and Web Resource Directory (path to war folder) is correctly configured in the Web Facet.
-- Once you have done that you can create an artifact in the Project Structure configuration screen in IntelliJ. Choose Web Application (exploded) -> From Modules and select your GWT project. Then select the created artifact, select the Output Layout tab and remove GWT compiler output if IntelliJ has added it to the artifact automatically. If you don't do that, IntelliJ will do a real GWT compile each time you build the artifact. This is undesired if you use SuperDevMode during development. Also note the artifact output directory, you need that in your GWT / SuperDevMode run configuration and add the folder as DevMode parameter -war <folder of your exploded war artifact>. Once you do that and restart SuperDevMode, it will create a <module>.nocache.js file in your exploded war and copy all GWT public resources to it.
Next install/activate the Jetty integration plugin in IntelliJ. Create a new Jetty -> Local run configuration and at the top right click the configure button to add an application server. Select the unzipped jetty distribution you have downloaded and create the server. In the run configuration you have a deployment tab which allows you to add the artifact to jetty. At the bottom in the Before launch section you could also add build artifact task so that IntelliJ builds your artifact each time you start Jetty, however this is optional. If IntelliJ asks you to add the JMX module to Jetty then do it.
Now you should be able to launch SuperDevMode, then launch Jetty, and your app should be deployed on your custom jetty server. If you use GWT-RPC you might want to add -Dgwt.codeserver.port<port> to your JVM parameters of the Jetty run configuration, so that the GWT-RPC server part can download SourceMaps from SuperDevMode code server.
-- J.
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