Monday, June 22, 2015

Injecting JSNI( to GWT CellTable to hide/show rows

I am using Datatables js(using JSNI) for showing and hiding the row information for my table(which is created using Google web toolkit-gwt celltable) link( requirement is on click of Button i need to iterate the table and show /hide the information but its not working See below is my code

function format(d) {    return '<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="padding-left:50px;">'                      + '<tr>'                      + '<td>Full name:</td>'                        + '</tr>' + '</table>';}        $wnd.$(function() {                var table = $wnd.$('#example').DataTable({                  "columns" : [ {                        "orderable" : false,                      "data" : null,                      "defaultContent" : ''                  }, {                      "data" : "firstName"                  }, {                      "data" : "middleName"                  }, {                      "data" : "lastName"                  }, {                      "data" : "age"                  }, {                      "data" : "empId"                  }, {                      "data" : "address"                  } ],                  "order" : [ [ 1, 'asc' ] ]              });                $wnd.jQuery('#btnId').click(function() {                        $wnd.$("#example tbody tr").each(function(i) {                                        var rowNo = table.row(i);                        if (rowNo.child.isShown()) {                          // This row is already open - close it                          console.log("hide-->");                          rowNo.child.hide();                      } else {                          console.log(;                            rowNo.child( format( ).show();                      }                  });              });          });

and finally i saw one difference is that the table which is created using GWT generates the table structure in this format. <tr __gwt_row="0" __gwt_subrow="0" class="GEUXRR0CPC"><td class="GEUXRR0COC GEUXRR0CAD GEUXRR0CBD"><div style="outline-style:none;" __gwt_cell="cell-gwt-uid-16" tabindex="0">xxx</div></td><td class="GEUXRR0COC GEUXRR0CAD"><div style="outline-style:none;" __gwt_cell="cell-gwt-uid-17">yyy</div></td>

since text will be there inside div which is inside td.How to solve this issue?How to show/hide the row inside the table?any help?

or Any other way to develop this feature using GWT(

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