Sunday, February 28, 2021

Re: gwt-places annotation processor in Eclipse

Oh, and of course, vote for and (more importantly I think)
(annotation processing in Eclipse has always been a PITA though, you may prefer trying to configure Eclipse to see the generated code from your Gradle build, and run Gradle to re-process annotations; no idea how you'd do that though, I've abandoned Eclipse a long time ago, and this is precisely the reason I stopped maintaining the net.ltgt.apt suite of plugins now that it's no longer needed in IntelliJ IDEA; and why it's now maintained by the Diffplug team)

On Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 5:19:39 PM UTC+1 Thomas Broyer wrote:
+1, and if you don't want to impose that plugin to all users (if you're contributing to an open source project for example), try applying it from an init script dropped into your ~/.gradle/init.d/ (add the dependency to the buildscript, and apply the plugin to the project; see as a hint)

On Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 2:38:34 PM UTC+1 wrote:
I think you need to add the "goomph" plugin to your build.gradle, close the project, then run the shell script below, then open the project and do a clean.
  • buildscript {
  • repositories {
  • //...
  • }}
  • dependencies {
  • classpath "com.diffplug.gradle:goomph:3.24.0" //Required for apt processing in Eclipse.
  • }
  • }
apply plugin: 'com.diffplug.eclipse.apt' //Required for apt processing in Eclipse.

The shell script:

  • set -e
  • set -o pipefail
  • cd "$(dirname "$0")"
  • rm .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.prefs || true
  • rm .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs || true
  • ../gradlew eclipseJdtApt
  • rm .factorypath || true
  • ../gradlew eclipseFactorypath
  • ../gradlew eclipseJdt

On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 5:06 AM Gordan Krešić <> wrote:
Did anyone got Eclipse to invoke annotation processor from gwt-places module
that should generate PlaceHistoryMapper implementations?

I have interface that extends
and is annotated with I'm
creating instances by instancing class with my class name suffixed with "Impl".

However, it seems Eclipse doesn't run annotation processor and consequently
can't find implementation class.

Gradle build works fine.

I even explicitly specified gwt-places-processor.jar in project settings in
Eclipse (Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing -> Factory Path), but folder
where generated files should be placed (.apt_generated) is still empty.

Any ideas?

Sidenote: it seems Eclipse has some issue with annotation processors
classpath, because I had to add auto-common.jar (PlaceHistoryMapperProcessor
is based on BasicAnnotationProcessor from auto-common) on Factory Path, too.


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Re: gwt-places annotation processor in Eclipse

+1, and if you don't want to impose that plugin to all users (if you're contributing to an open source project for example), try applying it from an init script dropped into your ~/.gradle/init.d/ (add the dependency to the buildscript, and apply the plugin to the project; see as a hint)

On Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 2:38:34 PM UTC+1 wrote:
I think you need to add the "goomph" plugin to your build.gradle, close the project, then run the shell script below, then open the project and do a clean.
  • buildscript {
  • repositories {
  • //...
  • }}
  • dependencies {
  • classpath "com.diffplug.gradle:goomph:3.24.0" //Required for apt processing in Eclipse.
  • }
  • }
apply plugin: 'com.diffplug.eclipse.apt' //Required for apt processing in Eclipse.

The shell script:

  • set -e
  • set -o pipefail
  • cd "$(dirname "$0")"
  • rm .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.prefs || true
  • rm .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs || true
  • ../gradlew eclipseJdtApt
  • rm .factorypath || true
  • ../gradlew eclipseFactorypath
  • ../gradlew eclipseJdt

On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 5:06 AM Gordan Krešić <> wrote:
Did anyone got Eclipse to invoke annotation processor from gwt-places module
that should generate PlaceHistoryMapper implementations?

I have interface that extends
and is annotated with I'm
creating instances by instancing class with my class name suffixed with "Impl".

However, it seems Eclipse doesn't run annotation processor and consequently
can't find implementation class.

Gradle build works fine.

I even explicitly specified gwt-places-processor.jar in project settings in
Eclipse (Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing -> Factory Path), but folder
where generated files should be placed (.apt_generated) is still empty.

Any ideas?

Sidenote: it seems Eclipse has some issue with annotation processors
classpath, because I had to add auto-common.jar (PlaceHistoryMapperProcessor
is based on BasicAnnotationProcessor from auto-common) on Factory Path, too.


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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Re: gwt-places annotation processor in Eclipse

I think you need to add the "goomph" plugin to your build.gradle, close the project, then run the shell script below, then open the project and do a clean.
  • buildscript {
  • repositories {
  • //...
  • }}
  • dependencies {
  • //...
  • classpath "com.diffplug.gradle:goomph:3.24.0" //Required for apt processing in Eclipse.
  • }
  • }
  • apply plugin: 'com.diffplug.eclipse.apt' //Required for apt processing in Eclipse.

    The shell script:

  • set -e
  • set -o pipefail
  • cd "$(dirname "$0")"
  • rm .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.prefs || true
  • rm .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs || true
  • ../gradlew eclipseJdtApt
  • rm .factorypath || true
  • ../gradlew eclipseFactorypath
  • ../gradlew eclipseJdt

  • On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 5:06 AM Gordan Krešić <> wrote:
    Did anyone got Eclipse to invoke annotation processor from gwt-places module
    that should generate PlaceHistoryMapper implementations?

    I have interface that extends
    and is annotated with I'm
    creating instances by instancing class with my class name suffixed with "Impl".

    However, it seems Eclipse doesn't run annotation processor and consequently
    can't find implementation class.

    Gradle build works fine.

    I even explicitly specified gwt-places-processor.jar in project settings in
    Eclipse (Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing -> Factory Path), but folder
    where generated files should be placed (.apt_generated) is still empty.

    Any ideas?

    Sidenote: it seems Eclipse has some issue with annotation processors
    classpath, because I had to add auto-common.jar (PlaceHistoryMapperProcessor
    is based on BasicAnnotationProcessor from auto-common) on Factory Path, too.


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    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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    gwt-places annotation processor in Eclipse

    Did anyone got Eclipse to invoke annotation processor from gwt-places module
    that should generate PlaceHistoryMapper implementations?

    I have interface that extends
    and is annotated with I'm
    creating instances by instancing class with my class name suffixed with "Impl".

    However, it seems Eclipse doesn't run annotation processor and consequently
    can't find implementation class.

    Gradle build works fine.

    I even explicitly specified gwt-places-processor.jar in project settings in
    Eclipse (Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing -> Factory Path), but folder
    where generated files should be placed (.apt_generated) is still empty.

    Any ideas?

    Sidenote: it seems Eclipse has some issue with annotation processors
    classpath, because I had to add auto-common.jar (PlaceHistoryMapperProcessor
    is based on BasicAnnotationProcessor from auto-common) on Factory Path, too.


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    Friday, February 26, 2021

    Re: Guava version which is compatible with GWT 2.9.0

    It looks like you're not using any tooling to resolve your dependencies (Maven, Gradle, Ivy, Coursier, you name it), so you have to grab the transitives manually (and resolve version conflicts).
    Compare the dependencies block (lower right) between and; you need now.
    I would highly recommend automating this through dedicated tooling though.

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 12:29:45 PM UTC+1 wrote:
    I am facing below errors now,

    Tracing compile failure path for type ''
         [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/Pratik/ETD/Import/Google/guava/21.0/guava-gwt-29.0-jre.jar!/com/google/common/collect/'
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 191: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 24: The import org.checkerframework cannot be resolved
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 140: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 134: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 78: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
         [java]    [ERROR] Hint: Your source appears not to live underneath a subpackage called 'client'; no problem, but you'll need to use the <source> directive in your module to make it accessible

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 4:52:12 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    I just realized that this might be because I had remove below line from my gwt.xml file,

    <inherits name=""/>

    I am checking now.

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 4:44:31 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    Hi Team,

    We were using GWT 2.7.0 and guava-18 earlier.

    Recently we have upgraded to GWT 2.9.0 and we are facing issue in using below classes from guava,

    I tried upgrading to guava-gwt-29.0-jre.jar but for that we are getting below error,

                                [ERROR] Line 373: ComparisonChain cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 8: The import cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 374: Ordering cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 7: The import cannot be resolved

    Can you please help me compile ?

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    Re: Guava version which is compatible with GWT 2.9.0

    I tried with guava 19,20 etc. but all of them are having one or another issue.

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 5:14:54 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    Hi Shawn,

    It is because of org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable

    I don't know how to make it available.

    Can you help me with that ?

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 5:10:29 PM UTC+5:30 Shawn wrote:

         [java]    [ERROR] Hint: Your source appears not to live underneath a subpackage called 'client'; no problem, but you'll need to use the <source> directive in your module to make it accessible

    Did you try making the source accessible?


    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 4:52:12 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    I just realized that this might be because I had remove below line from my gwt.xml file,

    <inherits name=""/>

    I am checking now.

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 4:44:31 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    Hi Team,

    We were using GWT 2.7.0 and guava-18 earlier.

    Recently we have upgraded to GWT 2.9.0 and we are facing issue in using below classes from guava,

    I tried upgrading to guava-gwt-29.0-jre.jar but for that we are getting below error,

                                [ERROR] Line 373: ComparisonChain cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 8: The import cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 374: Ordering cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 7: The import cannot be resolved

    Can you please help me compile ?

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    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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    Re: Guava version which is compatible with GWT 2.9.0

    Hi Shawn,

    It is because of org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable

    I don't know how to make it available.

    Can you help me with that ?

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 5:10:29 PM UTC+5:30 Shawn wrote:

         [java]    [ERROR] Hint: Your source appears not to live underneath a subpackage called 'client'; no problem, but you'll need to use the <source> directive in your module to make it accessible

    Did you try making the source accessible?


    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 4:52:12 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    I just realized that this might be because I had remove below line from my gwt.xml file,

    <inherits name=""/>

    I am checking now.

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 4:44:31 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    Hi Team,

    We were using GWT 2.7.0 and guava-18 earlier.

    Recently we have upgraded to GWT 2.9.0 and we are facing issue in using below classes from guava,

    I tried upgrading to guava-gwt-29.0-jre.jar but for that we are getting below error,

                                [ERROR] Line 373: ComparisonChain cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 8: The import cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 374: Ordering cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 7: The import cannot be resolved

    Can you please help me compile ?

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    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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    Re: Guava version which is compatible with GWT 2.9.0


         [java]    [ERROR] Hint: Your source appears not to live underneath a subpackage called 'client'; no problem, but you'll need to use the <source> directive in your module to make it accessible

    Did you try making the source accessible?


    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 4:52:12 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    I just realized that this might be because I had remove below line from my gwt.xml file,

    <inherits name=""/>

    I am checking now.

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 4:44:31 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    Hi Team,

    We were using GWT 2.7.0 and guava-18 earlier.

    Recently we have upgraded to GWT 2.9.0 and we are facing issue in using below classes from guava,

    I tried upgrading to guava-gwt-29.0-jre.jar but for that we are getting below error,

                                [ERROR] Line 373: ComparisonChain cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 8: The import cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 374: Ordering cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 7: The import cannot be resolved

    Can you please help me compile ?

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    Re: Guava version which is compatible with GWT 2.9.0

    I am facing below errors now,

    Tracing compile failure path for type ''
         [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/Pratik/ETD/Import/Google/guava/21.0/guava-gwt-29.0-jre.jar!/com/google/common/collect/'
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 191: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 24: The import org.checkerframework cannot be resolved
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 140: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 134: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 78: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
         [java]    [ERROR] Hint: Your source appears not to live underneath a subpackage called 'client'; no problem, but you'll need to use the <source> directive in your module to make it accessible

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 4:52:12 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    I just realized that this might be because I had remove below line from my gwt.xml file,

    <inherits name=""/>

    I am checking now.

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 4:44:31 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    Hi Team,

    We were using GWT 2.7.0 and guava-18 earlier.

    Recently we have upgraded to GWT 2.9.0 and we are facing issue in using below classes from guava,

    I tried upgrading to guava-gwt-29.0-jre.jar but for that we are getting below error,

                                [ERROR] Line 373: ComparisonChain cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 8: The import cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 374: Ordering cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 7: The import cannot be resolved

    Can you please help me compile ?

    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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    Re: Guava version which is compatible with GWT 2.9.0

    I just realized that this might be because I had remove below line from my gwt.xml file,

    <inherits name=""/>

    I am checking now.

    On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 4:44:31 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    Hi Team,

    We were using GWT 2.7.0 and guava-18 earlier.

    Recently we have upgraded to GWT 2.9.0 and we are facing issue in using below classes from guava,

    I tried upgrading to guava-gwt-29.0-jre.jar but for that we are getting below error,

                                [ERROR] Line 373: ComparisonChain cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 8: The import cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 374: Ordering cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 7: The import cannot be resolved

    Can you please help me compile ?

    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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    Guava version which is compatible with GWT 2.9.0

    Hi Team,

    We were using GWT 2.7.0 and guava-18 earlier.

    Recently we have upgraded to GWT 2.9.0 and we are facing issue in using below classes from guava,

    I tried upgrading to guava-gwt-29.0-jre.jar but for that we are getting below error,

                                [ERROR] Line 373: ComparisonChain cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 8: The import cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 374: Ordering cannot be resolved
         [java]             [ERROR] Line 7: The import cannot be resolved

    Can you please help me compile ?

    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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    Thursday, February 25, 2021

    Re: Chrome and Safari RPC 500 error

    Hello All, 

    We are using Tomcat 9, the error is leading to "xmlHttpRequest.send(requestData);" line in the JS file with "Failed to load resource: the server responded with status of 500()". Would really appreciate any help.

    Thank you

    On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 11:37:59 AM UTC-6 wrote:
    Hello All, 

    I am running into RPC 500 error on Chrome and Safari, I noticed that the error comes only when my Request Header Content Length has gone above a certain value. I don't get the error when I am using Firefox. I would really appreciate if someone could guide me in correcting this.

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit] Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: encodedRequest cannot be empty

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.valves.AbstractAccessLogValve.invoke(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at$SocketProcessor.doRun(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$

    [2021-02-24 17:31:21] [crit]     at java.base/

    Thank You

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    Re: Superdevmode and ReferenceErrors

    That made my day! I was encountering those issues a lot when using Lambda expressions - and renaming a Lambda is rather difficult... Thanks!

    On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 10:36:38 PM UTC+1 David Nouls wrote:
    I just browse to the sdm website at http://localhost:9876 and click on de button to clear the cache
    On 24 Feb 2021, 22:20 +0100, Stik <>, wrote:
    Aha, how do you clear the cache? i've never been sure where SDM is hiding it

    On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 8:40:05 PM UTC David Nouls wrote:
    It is a known issue with incremental compilation. It is annoying but I tend to just clear the sdm cache and reload.
    On 24 Feb 2021, 20:50 +0100, Stik <>, wrote:
    Occasionally when running under SDM in Eclipse I will get a "ReferenceError: <symbol>_g$ is not defined" from the browser.   The usual "fix" is to rename the symbol in question, reload, and the issue is gone.   If i then rename it back to what it used to be called, so nothing has actually changed, it remains fixed.

    This happens to me maybe once a week or two when developing heavily.  It's a minor irritation, but it's an irritation that's building up over time!   Has anyone else experienced this and found out a way to mitigate it?   I've never seen it happen to a full compile process, it seems to only affect SDM.  

    My gut feeling is that it affects static fields in particular, although i've seen it elsewhere (just now the constructor for an ordinary, dull class is missing).

    The problem is that it is not repeatable, it's something to do with the state of my SDM server at that particular moment, so I can't get a test case together to show to anyone

    Any thoughts?


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    Re: gwt compilation issues while upgrading from GWT 2.7.0 to GWT 2.9.0

    Hi All,

    Thanks to your support, I was able to resolve the compilation issue just by changing to GWT 2.9.0 and removing gwtx.

    There were changes which i had to do because of removal of gwtx. Like not using java.text classes (SimpleDateFormat, DecimalFormat etc.) and using GWT compatible classes as an alternate.

    I also faced issues due to removal of closure compiler. Had to do some refactoring to remove unused classes from the mentioned <source path= package

    Thanks again to all.

    On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 9:58:06 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    Hi All,

    After removing gwtx, things seems to be working for now.

    Will come back if i am facing anything new.

    Thanks for your help Tom.

    On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 7:39:45 PM UTC+5:30 pratik thaker wrote:
    Thanks Tom for quick reply,

    I am having -failOnError and changed the log to Trace. Below is more detailed logging of error.

         [java]    Rotating PersistentUnitCache file because only 0 files were added.
         [java]    [WARN] Warnings in 'jar:file:/C:/Pratik/ETD/Import/SmartClient/SmartGWT/4.1/lib/smartgwtpro.jar!/com/smartgwt/client/widgets/calendar/'
         [java]       [WARN] Line 3352: Referencing deprecated class ''
         [java]    Tracing compile failure path for type ''
         [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/Pratik/ETD/Import/Google/GWT/2.9.0/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/io/'
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 74: The constructor IOException(Throwable) is undefined
         [java]    Tracing compile failure path for type 'java.util.regex.Pattern'
         [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/Pratik/ETD/Import/Google/gwtx/1.5.2/gwtx-1.5.2.jar!/com/googlecode/gwtx/java/util/emul/java/util/regex/'
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 183: Referencing class '': unable to resolve class
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 194: Referencing class '': unable to resolve class
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 149: Referencing class '': unable to resolve class
         [java]          [ERROR] Line 140: Referencing class '': unable to resolve class
         [java]    Removing invalidated units
         [java]    Resolving com.dclear.cmn.caa.domain1.AccessLevel
         [java]       Found type 'com.dclear.cmn.caa.domain1.AccessLevel'
         [java]          [ERROR] Unable to find class java/lang/Enum
         [java]          Resolving method valueOf
         [java]             [ERROR] Unable to resolve type java/lang/String of argument arg0

    On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 1:57:47 PM UTC+5:30 wrote:
    IIRC, gwtx replaces/shadows some emulated classes; it's likely that it's the one causing issues here.
    Try compiling with -failOnError, and/or look at the beginning of the compiler output for early problems that will cascade and cause everything else to fail.

    On Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 3:09:24 PM UTC+1 wrote:
    Hi Team,

    Currently we are using SmartGWT 4.1 LGPL, GWT 2.7.0 & Java 1.8 with below supporting libraries


    While just upgrading to GWT 2.9.0 and doing gwt compile, i am getting below error,

    [ERROR] Unable to find class java/lang/Enum
         [java]          Resolving method valueOf
         [java]             [ERROR] Unable to resolve type java/lang/String of argument arg0

    It is also having too many occurrences of below error,

    [ERROR] Unable to find class java/lang/Object

    Any suggestion about how to resolve it, or if you need more details ?


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    Re: deserialize GWT response

    Fwiw, the GWT-RPC protocol is documented here:

    On Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 1:35:23 PM UTC+1 et wrote:
    I'm working on a project where I need to convert the gwt response to an xml format. Is there a simple way to do this? I've looked into ClientSerializationStreamReader and such but unable to decipher the correlation of the indices to the values in string table. 

    sample response:
    //OK[14,16499,13,12,0,9,9,0,0,0,0,9,9,11,10,0,0,0,0,9,9,8,6,7,6,1,5,4,3,2,2,0,1,[\"\",\"java.util.ArrayList/4159755760\",\"\",\"portal\",\"java.util.HashMap/1797211028\",\"java.lang.String/2004016611\",\"showlogo\",\"true\",\"\",\"\",\"<br />\",\"demo gwt\",\"java.lang.Integer/3438268394\",\"demogwt\"],0,7]

    Any help or suggestions is appreciated!


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    Re: Updated GXT for GWT 2.9.0 and Java 11

    My post was purely to inform others that it is available - not as a comment on the quality (or otherwise) of GXT and the Sencha support. I have no affiliation with them, we are just a user of the library.

    On Thursday, 25 February 2021 at 10:43:41 UTC Luca Morettoni wrote:
    hello, we still using GXT 4.0.2, and we waited years a fix version because 4.0.3 was a total failure… now we decided to move to "something else", but we still evaluating different (commercial and not) solutions to replace the client widgets infrastructure.
    Also we had a very BAD experience with their support, we paid the fee for years, and in the last times we got a very LIMITED support!

    In any case, we are using GXT 4.0.2 and GWT 2.9.0 for a long time without any issue, but we never tested it under Java 11...

    On 25 Feb 2021, at 07:56, 'RobW' via GWT Users <> wrote:

    Not sure how many of you also use GXT, but just spotted an announcement from Sencha that GXT 4.1 is out, with support for GWT 2.9.0 and Java 11 (although the latter is marked as a "should support").

    In the middle of some othe rwork, so have yet to try it in our setup. Will report back once we have though. FWIW - we've been building and running under GWT 2.9.0 fine with the previous 4.0 version, so I'm not really expecting any issues from that side of things.

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    Re: Updated GXT for GWT 2.9.0 and Java 11

    hello, we still using GXT 4.0.2, and we waited years a fix version because 4.0.3 was a total failure… now we decided to move to "something else", but we still evaluating different (commercial and not) solutions to replace the client widgets infrastructure.
    Also we had a very BAD experience with their support, we paid the fee for years, and in the last times we got a very LIMITED support!

    In any case, we are using GXT 4.0.2 and GWT 2.9.0 for a long time without any issue, but we never tested it under Java 11...

    On 25 Feb 2021, at 07:56, 'RobW' via GWT Users <> wrote:

    Not sure how many of you also use GXT, but just spotted an announcement from Sencha that GXT 4.1 is out, with support for GWT 2.9.0 and Java 11 (although the latter is marked as a "should support").

    In the middle of some othe rwork, so have yet to try it in our setup. Will report back once we have though. FWIW - we've been building and running under GWT 2.9.0 fine with the previous 4.0 version, so I'm not really expecting any issues from that side of things.

    Wednesday, February 24, 2021

    Updated GXT for GWT 2.9.0 and Java 11

    Not sure how many of you also use GXT, but just spotted an announcement from Sencha that GXT 4.1 is out, with support for GWT 2.9.0 and Java 11 (although the latter is marked as a "should support").

    In the middle of some othe rwork, so have yet to try it in our setup. Will report back once we have though. FWIW - we've been building and running under GWT 2.9.0 fine with the previous 4.0 version, so I'm not really expecting any issues from that side of things.

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    deserialize GWT response

    I'm working on a project where I need to convert the gwt response to an xml format. Is there a simple way to do this? I've looked into ClientSerializationStreamReader and such but unable to decipher the correlation of the indices to the values in string table. 

    sample response:
    //OK[14,16499,13,12,0,9,9,0,0,0,0,9,9,11,10,0,0,0,0,9,9,8,6,7,6,1,5,4,3,2,2,0,1,[\"\",\"java.util.ArrayList/4159755760\",\"\",\"portal\",\"java.util.HashMap/1797211028\",\"java.lang.String/2004016611\",\"showlogo\",\"true\",\"\",\"\",\"<br />\",\"demo gwt\",\"java.lang.Integer/3438268394\",\"demogwt\"],0,7]

    Any help or suggestions is appreciated!


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    Re: Superdevmode and ReferenceErrors


    On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 6:51 AM Stik <> wrote:
    Occasionally when running under SDM in Eclipse I will get a "ReferenceError: <symbol>_g$ is not defined" from the browser.   The usual "fix" is to rename the symbol in question, reload, and the issue is gone.   If i then rename it back to what it used to be called, so nothing has actually changed, it remains fixed.

    If it is a symbol that is a method-reference or containing in a lambda then it is a known problem. I believe there was some guidance from google at one stage how to diagnose/fix the problem but no one ever followed it up. I usually just do what you do ;)

    Peter Donald

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    Re: Superdevmode and ReferenceErrors

    Huh, did not know that was there - thanks!


    On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 9:36:38 PM UTC David Nouls wrote:
    I just browse to the sdm website at http://localhost:9876 and click on de button to clear the cache
    On 24 Feb 2021, 22:20 +0100, Stik <>, wrote:
    Aha, how do you clear the cache? i've never been sure where SDM is hiding it

    On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 8:40:05 PM UTC David Nouls wrote:
    It is a known issue with incremental compilation. It is annoying but I tend to just clear the sdm cache and reload.
    On 24 Feb 2021, 20:50 +0100, Stik <>, wrote:
    Occasionally when running under SDM in Eclipse I will get a "ReferenceError: <symbol>_g$ is not defined" from the browser.   The usual "fix" is to rename the symbol in question, reload, and the issue is gone.   If i then rename it back to what it used to be called, so nothing has actually changed, it remains fixed.

    This happens to me maybe once a week or two when developing heavily.  It's a minor irritation, but it's an irritation that's building up over time!   Has anyone else experienced this and found out a way to mitigate it?   I've never seen it happen to a full compile process, it seems to only affect SDM.  

    My gut feeling is that it affects static fields in particular, although i've seen it elsewhere (just now the constructor for an ordinary, dull class is missing).

    The problem is that it is not repeatable, it's something to do with the state of my SDM server at that particular moment, so I can't get a test case together to show to anyone

    Any thoughts?


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    Re: Superdevmode and ReferenceErrors

    I just browse to the sdm website at http://localhost:9876 and click on de button to clear the cache
    On 24 Feb 2021, 22:20 +0100, Stik <>, wrote:
    Aha, how do you clear the cache? i've never been sure where SDM is hiding it

    On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 8:40:05 PM UTC David Nouls wrote:
    It is a known issue with incremental compilation. It is annoying but I tend to just clear the sdm cache and reload.
    On 24 Feb 2021, 20:50 +0100, Stik <>, wrote:
    Occasionally when running under SDM in Eclipse I will get a "ReferenceError: <symbol>_g$ is not defined" from the browser.   The usual "fix" is to rename the symbol in question, reload, and the issue is gone.   If i then rename it back to what it used to be called, so nothing has actually changed, it remains fixed.

    This happens to me maybe once a week or two when developing heavily.  It's a minor irritation, but it's an irritation that's building up over time!   Has anyone else experienced this and found out a way to mitigate it?   I've never seen it happen to a full compile process, it seems to only affect SDM.  

    My gut feeling is that it affects static fields in particular, although i've seen it elsewhere (just now the constructor for an ordinary, dull class is missing).

    The problem is that it is not repeatable, it's something to do with the state of my SDM server at that particular moment, so I can't get a test case together to show to anyone

    Any thoughts?


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    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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    Re: Superdevmode and ReferenceErrors

    Aha, how do you clear the cache? i've never been sure where SDM is hiding it

    On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 8:40:05 PM UTC David Nouls wrote:
    It is a known issue with incremental compilation. It is annoying but I tend to just clear the sdm cache and reload.
    On 24 Feb 2021, 20:50 +0100, Stik <>, wrote:
    Occasionally when running under SDM in Eclipse I will get a "ReferenceError: <symbol>_g$ is not defined" from the browser.   The usual "fix" is to rename the symbol in question, reload, and the issue is gone.   If i then rename it back to what it used to be called, so nothing has actually changed, it remains fixed.

    This happens to me maybe once a week or two when developing heavily.  It's a minor irritation, but it's an irritation that's building up over time!   Has anyone else experienced this and found out a way to mitigate it?   I've never seen it happen to a full compile process, it seems to only affect SDM.  

    My gut feeling is that it affects static fields in particular, although i've seen it elsewhere (just now the constructor for an ordinary, dull class is missing).

    The problem is that it is not repeatable, it's something to do with the state of my SDM server at that particular moment, so I can't get a test case together to show to anyone

    Any thoughts?


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    Re: Superdevmode and ReferenceErrors

    It is a known issue with incremental compilation. It is annoying but I tend to just clear the sdm cache and reload.
    On 24 Feb 2021, 20:50 +0100, Stik <>, wrote:
    Occasionally when running under SDM in Eclipse I will get a "ReferenceError: <symbol>_g$ is not defined" from the browser.   The usual "fix" is to rename the symbol in question, reload, and the issue is gone.   If i then rename it back to what it used to be called, so nothing has actually changed, it remains fixed.

    This happens to me maybe once a week or two when developing heavily.  It's a minor irritation, but it's an irritation that's building up over time!   Has anyone else experienced this and found out a way to mitigate it?   I've never seen it happen to a full compile process, it seems to only affect SDM.  

    My gut feeling is that it affects static fields in particular, although i've seen it elsewhere (just now the constructor for an ordinary, dull class is missing).

    The problem is that it is not repeatable, it's something to do with the state of my SDM server at that particular moment, so I can't get a test case together to show to anyone

    Any thoughts?


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