On Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 8:36:49 AM UTC+1, Joker Joker wrote:
I want to share solution for gradle based project.This solution allows to get any build's properties on client/server.1) Add to build.gradle...task createProperties(dependsOn: processResources) {
doLast {
new File("$buildDir/resources/main/yourmodule/shared/ IVersion.properties"). withWriter { w ->
Properties p = new Properties()
p['version'] = project.version.toString()
p.store w, null
}classes {
dependsOn createProperties
I'd rather generate the file earlier and add it to the main sourceSet; also, make your task run only when needed by declaring its inputs and outputs:
(using the Kotlin DSL here)
val createProperties by tasks.registering {
val outputDir = file("$buildDir/generated/resources/createProperties/")
inputs.property("version", project::getVersion)
doFirst {
val props = Properties()
props.setProperty("version", project.version.toString())
file("$outputDir/yourmodule/shared/IVersion.properties").apply {
writer().use { props.store(it) }
sourceSets {
main {
resources {
either that or have an existing resource file with placeholders, and do replacements in the processResources task:
tasks {
processResources {
filesMatching("yourmodule/shared/IVersion.properties") {
filter<ReplaceToken> {
"tokens" to mapOf(
"version" to project.version
This would be the equivalent of Maven filtering, in Gradle.
That being said, I'd rather go with -setProperty for GWT, and generate a file that way for server-side use only if needed.
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