Saturday, November 30, 2024

Re: Servlet problem after upgrade

Almost path problem it would be or check the path names correctly

On Sun, Dec 1, 2024, 7:05 AM SHAIK FAYAZ <> wrote:

1. Check How the Servlet is Set Up
Look at the file where your servlet is connected to a URL, like web.xml or in your annotations (comments in the code). Make sure the URL path for your servlet is correct, so it gets triggered when you visit the right link.
2. Ensure You Updated All Java Imports
When you updated from version 2.10.0 to 2.12.1, you need to check if your code is using the updated jakarta.* package instead of javax.*. Some of the old names have changed, so make sure everything is up to date.
3. Make Sure Your Tomcat Version Works with the New Code
If you're using an older version of Tomcat (like version 9 or below), it may not work with the updated jakarta.* code. Make sure you're using Tomcat version 10 or higher, which supports this newer format.
4. Check if Your Servlet Supports GET or POST Methods
Earlier, you got a "405" error, which means the servlet was not set up to handle certain requests like GET. You need to make sure that your servlet is set up to handle the right type of requests.
5. Check Apache Proxy Settings
If you're using Apache to forward requests to Tomcat, make sure Apache is set up correctly so that it passes the requests properly. A wrong setting could cause the "404" error you're seeing now.
6. Look at Logs for Clues
Check both the Tomcat and Apache logs. They might give you more details about what's going wrong and help identify the issue.
7. Issues with Code Enhancers
If you're using tools that automatically modify your code (like Hibernate or other libraries), check to make sure they're compatible with the new version (2.12.1). These tools sometimes cause problems when you upgrade versions.

On Sun, Dec 1, 2024, 5:31 AM Jens <> wrote:
GWT doesn't really have any servlet magic so I doubt that the GWT upgrade has caused the issue. Are you double sure you haven't changed anything else except the GWT library? No Tomcat update? No Apache update? No update of Apache proxy rules? 

It sounds like your servlet is a GWT-RPC service because you used the Jakarta migration tool. If that is true you can now use gwt-servlet-jakarta.jar and skip the migration tool.

-- J. schrieb am Samstag, 30. November 2024 um 17:27:59 UTC+1:
I'm trying to upgrade from 2.10.0 to 2.12.1.

My app runs in tomcat / java 21 with apache using it as a proxy. It's mostly client code except for a servlet whose sole function is to grab the remote ip and make it available to client code. With the 2.10.0 setup I had to run the server class through the jakartaee migration tool to make it work. With everything ok, if you browse to the servlet you get a 405 as the GET method is not supported,  although that confirms the servlet is running.

With unchanged code everything compiles with 2.12.1,  but the servlet will not run. I've tried both the standard compiled class and its byte enhanced version. Both give a 404 and the ip is not available to client code. The client code itself otherwise runs as expected.

Any pointers towards a fix?

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