Thursday, June 30, 2022

Re: 'Throwable.HasJavaThrowable' has invalid name '?'.

How many of these libs are you thinking would need converting to JS for the client bundle?

At a glance, it really looks like you got a dependency chain fubar. The GWT client code should not have any kind of dependency to java.sql.DataSource as an example. It looks like you are trying to compile server side only code as a GWT dependency.

On 6/30/22 10:22, mmo wrote:
Anyway - after settings said option I got much more GWT compiler output and there are tons of error messages with the pattern "No source code is available for type <type>. did you forget to inherit a required module".
Unfortunately, the classes referenced are misc. stuff from,,  org.apache.commons.collections,, etc., i.e. all classes that I can not shift into the UI's shared or client folder. How can one make the sources of these classes known to the GWT compiler?

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