Friday, June 1, 2012

Re: can DialogBox has a "x" close button in the upper right hand corner like most window have?

Yes, that would be exactly how you'd do it.  There's really not much to actually implement. All of the handler methods are just simple variants of "addHandler", so you really end up with having to actually write are the get/set HTML/Text methods.

On Friday, June 1, 2012 5:05:40 AM UTC-4, tong123123 wrote:
I think I need create a class that implements DialogBox.Caption and then use the constructor
DialogBox(DialogBox.Caption captionWidget)
but the difficulty is how to implement all the method in the interface DialogBox.Caption?

let said I name the class customCaption and implements all the interface method in DialogBox.Caption and then inside the customCaption class I use flextable to add a "x" image in a column of flextable?

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