On Friday, January 3, 2025 at 6:51:34 AM UTC+1 leon.p...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Craig,there are 101 hacks to try and keep the browser from caching.Problem is that it's a browser implementation on what to cache and what not, and how the browser determines what to cache when seems subject to change.So for me I prefer to assume it doesn't work.
That's not my experience.
Note that refreshing a page is different from navigating to it (through a link), or going back to it from the navigation history (might also use bfcache), particularly when it comes to subresources.
Having said that; except for the last-modified flag my config is the same as yours. I'll add it - thanks!If it works, it works.
- "Pragma: no-cache" never had a specified behavior in responses (it was initially created for requests)
- Cache-Control is widespread (released in all browsers 11 years ago: https://caniuse.com/mdn-http_headers_cache-control) so you can replace Expires with a max-age directive.
- I would also use no-cache over no-store: the content of the nocache files don't contain any user-sensitive information so it's ok to store them as long as you revalidate with the server that they're still up-to-date. For that, you need Last-Modified or ETag (preferred) response headers though (you can just use the file's modification date, or derive an ETag from its content). If your server doesn't send those, then I'd look for a better implementation (or work around it by implementing it myself in a filter as suggested here)
See also https://jakearchibald.com/2016/caching-best-practices/ and https://web.dev/articles/http-cache#flowchart
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