Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Re: how to use modal dialog boxes?

On Sep 7, 3:28 pm, Magnus <alpineblas...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to use a modal DialogBox and used setModal.
> The GUI makes it modal, but my code after dialog.center (); gets
> executed immediately.

modal != blocking

The only blocking dialogs are Window.alert, Window.confirm and
Window.prompt (IE has had a showModalDialog for long, which is now
being standardized at the W3C <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/
> and is implemented in Firefox 3 and
recent WebKit –works in Chrome 7-dev and Safari 5.0.1 on Windows– but
still not Opera, and don't expect support in older WebKits –I think we
can just ignore Firefox 2 nowadays?–, not to mention that it loads
another HTML page, which makes things a bit harder to work with).

> How can I do it so that code execution waits? Must I do this with
> asynchronous calls? Can you give an example?

Modal just means you cannot interact with the rest of the page/
application, but it's still just a dialog box (i.e. a <div> –or is it
a <table>?– with position:absolute and some top/left/width/height
values) that needs to handle events (which is how you'd listen to...
events from the box; no "asynchronous call", just event handlers)

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