Thursday, September 16, 2010

Re: GWT Spring integration - what is the best method in late 2010?

Lalit we are not using Spring MVC.  We am using gwt-dispatch and have extended that project's dispatch servlet to get the Spring integration.  We then added a custom annotation to pick up the appropriate dispatch action handler for a particular GWT-RPC on the server side.  All of our GWT-RPC calls go through this servlet so we avoid the overhead and code bloat of having to create the standard GWT-RPC interfaces for every new service call we want to implement.  I looked over your example again and they are pretty similar.  I like your integration approach with Spring but I prefer service call handling because we don't have to code the two separate RPC interfaces,  i.e. the Service and ServiceAsync for every service we want to implement.  We just create an new dispatch handler apply an annotation to it and we are off and running.

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 11:33 PM, lalit <> wrote:
Deepak - I have used the following structure
  SpringApplicationContext, SpringGwtRemoteServiceServlet ,
PersonServiceImpl go into the server side code.
 The interfaces PersonService and PersonServiceAsync  become part of
GWT client side code.

Regarding wsdl files consumption see the section on JAX-WS here especiall JAX-WS
client side section. This approach uses JAX-WS approach.

For data binding you can use JAXB. The details can be seen here JAX-WS anyway uses
it internally.

Also just a disclaimer, the approach I took is as per Spring4GWT
project so it's there idea.

Jason- I looked into your approach and conceptually they look similar
in terms of that you are redirecting the request to Spring MVC
infrastructure. IMHO the aprroach I took as per Sping4GWT is better as
one does not have to carry the SpringMVC baggage.

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