Monday, November 24, 2014

sinking bitless events on a widget

I'm doing some work adding IE10 pointer events to MGWT.

I have a slight issue which I can get round but thought to ask if the behaviour is correct.

On a widget if you call addDomHandler then DOM.sinkEvents(getElement(), eventBitsToAdd) is only called if the widget is attached to the DOM. If the widget is not attached to the DOM then the events you want to sink is simply stored (via an integer eventBitsToAdd). When you do attach the widget then DOM.sinkEvents will be called with the current value of eventBitsToAdd

For bitless events this is not the case.

On a widget if you call addBitlessDomHandler then DOM.sinkBitlessEvent(getElement(), eventTypeName) is called regardless whether the widget has been attached or not.

This means I have to remember when using bitless events that the widget's element is set before I add a bitless dom handler. For standard events this is not the case.

Do you think we should be storing up the bitless event type names when the widget is not attached and sink these bitless events when the widget is attached?

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