Friday, October 31, 2014

Re: GWT 2.7.0 RC1 available

I also use SDM with -noserver and I don't know wich directory I must chose to have the refresh feature active.

Here's the arguments : 
-remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -startupUrl http://localhost:8080/tablet.jsp -logLevel INFO -noserver -workDir "${resource_loc:/cassis-tablet/target/gwtc/work}" -launcherDir "${resource_loc:/cassis-tablet/target/gwtc/work/fr.agfahealthcare.cassis.CassisTablet/compile-1/war}" -war "${resource_loc:/cassis-tablet/target/cassis-tablet-1.0-SNAPSHOT}" -codeServerPort 8888 -bindAddress fr.agfahealthcare.cassis.CassisTablet_dev

You don't need that parameter if you launch the DevMode class. When launching DevMode it will configure the CodeServer -launcherDir parameter to the same value as DevMode -war . That way SDM will copy all public resources and the <module>.nocache.js file into your exploded war directory, just like classic DevMode did. 

and the launch log  :
Runing CodeServer with parameters: [-noprecompile, -port, 8888, -sourceLevel, 1.7, -bindAddress,, -workDir, D:\Users\AWTCK\Documents\Developpement\Workspace\cassis\cassis-tablet\target\gwtc\work, -launcherDir, D:\Users\AWTCK\Documents\Developpement\Workspace\cassis\cassis-tablet\target\cassis-tablet-1.0-SNAPSHOT, -logLevel, INFO, fr.agfahealthcare.cassis.CassisTablet_dev]

Here you see that CodeServer is launched with your target folder as -launcherDir. Your target folder is probably your exploded war folder. So that seems correct. However it might be that you have an old/outdated (GWT 2.6.1) <module>.nocache.js file in your target folder. So try a clean and try again.

-- J. 

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