Friday, August 1, 2014

lib-gwt-svg and checkIntersection(2) method.

Hi there,

I've been building some components using the lib-gwt-svg but I ran into a problem which I could not find a decent solution yet.

What my program does is when user clicks somewhere in the canvas, I go through all the shapes in it and run the checkIntersection(2) to check if the click position intersects any of the shapes. The first shape that returns true for the checkInttersection(2), I select it.

The problem is the checkIntersection(2) - in google chrome, not in IE - always return true when you click somewhere inside the bounding box of a path, and not just when you click in the line (stroke). This means that a path becomes selected when I click somewhere inside its bounding box and I will never be able to select anything inside a path bounding box because the paths are the first ones to be checked.

Here is a small javascript example:
If you click somewhere inside the path bounding box, the checkintersection(2) always return true.

Any ideas how can I check if the user clicked only in the line of a path and not in its entire bounding box?



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