Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Re: Suggestion on upgrading gwt-2.6.1 to latest

As Colin said you can use @WebServlet and enable configuration via annotation scanning in your servlet container. However if your application is large then scanning might slow your deployment down. If deployment time is not a concern then it is the easiest solution. There are additional annotations for other classes you normally add to your web.xml.

If you don't like class scanning during deployment time you can write an annotation processor that picks up all these @WebServlet annotated servlets and generates a class that registers them using the ServletContext API. Then you use that generated class in a custom ServletContextListener implementation to register everything. That ServletContextListener would then be the only entry in your web.xml. Alternatively, if you use Jetty as servlet container you can use Jetty's quickstart module to let it generate a web.xml by scanning your code once (as part of the build process).

-- J.

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