Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Re: CellTable Memory Leak in IE8

* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

* Abstract base class for tabular views that supports paging and columns.
* <p>
* <h3>Columns</h3> The {@link Column} class defines the {@link Cell} used to
* render a column. Implement {@link Column#getValue(Object)} to retrieve the
* field value from the row object that will be rendered in the {@link Cell}.
* </p>
* <p>
* <h3>Headers and Footers</h3> A {@link Header} can be placed at the top
* (header) or bottom (footer) of the {@link AbstractCellTable}. You can specify
* a header as text using {@link #addColumn(Column, String)}, or you can create
* a custom {@link Header} that can change with the value of the cells, such as
* a column total. The {@link Header} will be rendered every time the row data
* changes or the table is redrawn. If you pass the same header instance (==)
* into adjacent columns, the header will span the columns.
* </p>
* @param <T> the data type of each row
public abstract class AbstractCellTable<T> extends AbstractHasData<T> {

* Default implementation of a keyboard navigation handler for tables that
* supports navigation between cells.
* @param <T> the data type of each row
public static class CellTableKeyboardSelectionHandler<T> extends
DefaultKeyboardSelectionHandler<T> {

private final AbstractCellTable<T> table;

* Construct a new keyboard selection handler for the specified table.
* @param table the display being handled
public CellTableKeyboardSelectionHandler(AbstractCellTable<T> table) {
this.table = table;

public AbstractCellTable<T> getDisplay() {
return table;

public void onCellPreview(CellPreviewEvent<T> event) {
NativeEvent nativeEvent = event.getNativeEvent();
String eventType = event.getNativeEvent().getType();
if (BrowserEvents.KEYDOWN.equals(eventType) && !event.isCellEditing()) {
* Handle keyboard navigation, unless the cell is being edited. If the
* cell is being edited, we do not want to change rows.
* Prevent default on navigation events to prevent default scrollbar
* behavior.
int oldRow = table.getKeyboardSelectedRow();
int oldColumn = table.getKeyboardSelectedColumn();
boolean isRtl = LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL();
int keyCodeLineEnd = isRtl ? KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT : KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT;
int keyCodeLineStart = isRtl ? KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT : KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT;
int keyCode = nativeEvent.getKeyCode();
if (keyCode == keyCodeLineEnd) {
int nextColumn = findInteractiveColumn(oldColumn, false);
if (nextColumn <= oldColumn) {
// Wrap to the next row.
table.setKeyboardSelectedRow(oldRow + 1);
if (table.getKeyboardSelectedRow() != oldRow) {
// If the row didn't change, we are at the end of the table.
} else {
} else if (keyCode == keyCodeLineStart) {
int prevColumn = findInteractiveColumn(oldColumn, true);
if (prevColumn >= oldColumn) {
// Wrap to the previous row.
table.setKeyboardSelectedRow(oldRow - 1);
if (table.getKeyboardSelectedRow() != oldRow) {
// If the row didn't change, we are at the start of the table.
} else {
} else if (BrowserEvents.CLICK.equals(eventType) || BrowserEvents.FOCUS.equals(eventType)) {
* Move keyboard focus to the clicked column, even if the cell is being
* edited. Unlike key events, we aren't moving the currently selected
* row, just updating it based on where the user clicked.
* Since the user clicked, allow focus to go to a non-interactive
* column.
int col = event.getColumn();
int relRow = event.getIndex() - table.getPageStart();
int subrow = event.getContext().getSubIndex();
if ((table.getKeyboardSelectedColumn() != col)
|| (table.getKeyboardSelectedRow() != relRow)
|| (table.getKeyboardSelectedSubRow() != subrow)) {
boolean stealFocus = false;
if (BrowserEvents.CLICK.equals(eventType)) {
// If a natively focusable element was just clicked, then do not
// steal focus.
Element target =;
stealFocus = !CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().isFocusable(target);

// Update the row and subrow.
table.setKeyboardSelectedRow(relRow, subrow, stealFocus);

// Update the column index.
table.setKeyboardSelectedColumn(col, stealFocus);

// Do not cancel the event as the click may have occurred on a Cell.

// Let the parent class handle the event.

* Find and return the index of the next interactive column. If no column is
* interactive, 0 is returned. If the start index is the only interactive
* column, it is returned.
* @param start the start index, exclusive unless it is the only option
* @param reverse true to do a reverse search
* @return the interactive column index, or 0 if not interactive
private int findInteractiveColumn(int start, boolean reverse) {
if (!table.isInteractive) {
return 0;
} else if (reverse) {
for (int i = start - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (isColumnInteractive(table.getColumn(i))) {
return i;
// Wrap to the end.
for (int i = table.getColumnCount() - 1; i >= start; i--) {
if (isColumnInteractive(table.getColumn(i))) {
return i;
} else {
for (int i = start + 1; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) {
if (isColumnInteractive(table.getColumn(i))) {
return i;
// Wrap to the start.
for (int i = 0; i <= start; i++) {
if (isColumnInteractive(table.getColumn(i))) {
return i;
return 0;

* A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
public interface Resources {
* Icon used when a column is sorted in ascending order.
ImageResource sortAscending();

* Icon used when a column is sorted in descending order.
ImageResource sortDescending();

* The styles used in this widget.
Style style();

* Styles used by this widget.
public interface Style {
* Applied to every cell.
String cell();

* Applied to even rows.
String evenRow();

* Applied to cells in even rows.
String evenRowCell();

* Applied to the first column.
String firstColumn();

* Applied to the first column footers.
String firstColumnFooter();

* Applied to the first column headers.
String firstColumnHeader();

* Applied to footers cells.
String footer();

* Applied to headers cells.
String header();

* Applied to the hovered row.
String hoveredRow();

* Applied to the cells in the hovered row.
String hoveredRowCell();

* Applied to the keyboard selected cell.
String keyboardSelectedCell();

* Applied to the keyboard selected row.
String keyboardSelectedRow();

* Applied to the cells in the keyboard selected row.
String keyboardSelectedRowCell();

* Applied to the last column.
String lastColumn();

* Applied to the last column footers.
String lastColumnFooter();

* Applied to the last column headers.
String lastColumnHeader();

* Applied to odd rows.
String oddRow();

* Applied to cells in odd rows.
String oddRowCell();

* Applied to selected rows.
String selectedRow();

* Applied to cells in selected rows.
String selectedRowCell();

* Applied to header cells that are sortable.
String sortableHeader();

* Applied to header cells that are sorted in ascending order.
String sortedHeaderAscending();

* Applied to header cells that are sorted in descending order.
String sortedHeaderDescending();

* Applied to the table.
String widget();

* Interface that this class's subclass may implement to get notified with table section change
* event. During rendering, a faster method based on swaping the entire section will be used iff
* <li> it's in IE - since all other optimizations have been turned off
* <li> the table implements TableSectionChangeHandler interface
* When a section is being replaced by another table with the new table html, the methods in this
* interface will be invoked with the changed section. The table should update its internal
* references to the sections properly so that when {@link #getTableBodyElement},
* {@link #getTableHeadElement}, or {@link #getTableFootElement} are called, the correct section
* will be returned.
protected interface TableSectionChangeHandler {
* Notify that a table body section has been changed.
* @param newTBody the new body section
void onTableBodyChange(TableSectionElement newTBody);

* Notify that a table body section has been changed.
* @param newTFoot the new foot section
void onTableFootChange(TableSectionElement newTFoot);

* Notify that a table head section has been changed.
* @param newTHead the new head section
void onTableHeadChange(TableSectionElement newTHead);

interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
@SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<div style=\"outline:none;\">{0}</div>")
SafeHtml div(SafeHtml contents);

SafeHtml tbody(SafeHtml rowHtml);

@SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<td class=\"{0}\">{1}</td>")
SafeHtml td(String classes, SafeHtml contents);

@SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<td class=\"{0}\" align=\"{1}\" valign=\"{2}\">{3}</td>")
SafeHtml tdBothAlign(String classes, String hAlign, String vAlign, SafeHtml contents);

@SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<td class=\"{0}\" align=\"{1}\">{2}</td>")
SafeHtml tdHorizontalAlign(String classes, String hAlign, SafeHtml contents);

@SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<td class=\"{0}\" valign=\"{1}\">{2}</td>")
SafeHtml tdVerticalAlign(String classes, String vAlign, SafeHtml contents);

SafeHtml tfoot(SafeHtml rowHtml);

SafeHtml thead(SafeHtml rowHtml);

@SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<tr onclick=\"\" class=\"{0}\">{1}</tr>")
SafeHtml tr(String classes, SafeHtml contents);

* Implementation of {@link AbstractCellTable}.
private static class Impl {

private final tmpElem = Document.get().createDivElement()

* Convert the rowHtml into Elements wrapped by the specified table section.
* @param table the {@link AbstractCellTable}
* @param sectionTag the table section tag
* @param rowHtml the Html for the rows
* @return the section element
public TableSectionElement convertToSectionElement(AbstractCellTable<?> table,
String sectionTag, SafeHtml rowHtml) {
// Attach an event listener so we can catch synchronous load events from
// cached images.
DOM.setEventListener(tmpElem, table);

* Render the rows into a table.
* IE doesn't support innerHtml on a TableSection or Table element, so we
* generate the entire table. We do the same for all browsers to avoid any
* future bugs, since setting innerHTML on a table section seems brittle.
sectionTag = sectionTag.toLowerCase();
if ("tbody".equals(sectionTag)) {
} else if ("thead".equals(sectionTag)) {
} else if ("tfoot".equals(sectionTag)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid table section tag: " + sectionTag);
TableElement tableElem = tmpElem.getFirstChildElement().cast();

// Detach the event listener.
DOM.setEventListener(tmpElem, null);

// Get the section out of the table.
if ("tbody".equals(sectionTag)) {
return tableElem.getTBodies().getItem(0);
} else if ("thead".equals(sectionTag)) {
return tableElem.getTHead();
} else if ("tfoot".equals(sectionTag)) {
return tableElem.getTFoot();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid table section tag: " + sectionTag);

* Render a table section in the table.
* @param table the {@link AbstractCellTable}
* @param section the {@link TableSectionElement} to replace
* @param html the html of a table section element containing the rows
public final void replaceAllRows(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section,
SafeHtml html) {
// If the widget is not attached, attach an event listener so we can catch
// synchronous load events from cached images.
if (!table.isAttached()) {
DOM.setEventListener(table.getElement(), table);

// Remove the section from the tbody.
Element parent = section.getParentElement();
Element nextSection = section.getNextSiblingElement();

// Render the html.
replaceAllRowsImpl(table, section, html);

* Reattach the section. If next section is null, the section will be
* appended instead.
reattachSectionElement(parent, section, nextSection);

// Detach the event listener.
if (!table.isAttached()) {
DOM.setEventListener(table.getElement(), null);

* Replace a set of row values with newly rendered values.
* This method does not necessarily perform a one to one replacement. Some
* row values may be rendered as multiple row elements, while others are
* rendered as only one row element.
* @param table the {@link AbstractCellTable}
* @param section the {@link TableSectionElement} to replace
* @param html the html of a table section element containing the rows
* @param startIndex the start index to replace
* @param childCount the number of row values to replace
public final void replaceChildren(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section,
SafeHtml html, int startIndex, int childCount) {
// If the widget is not attached, attach an event listener so we can catch
// synchronous load events from cached images.
if (!table.isAttached()) {
DOM.setEventListener(table.getElement(), table);

// Remove the section from the tbody.
Element parent = section.getParentElement();
Element nextSection = section.getNextSiblingElement();

// Remove all children in the range.
final int absEndIndex = table.getPageStart() + startIndex + childCount;

TableRowElement insertBefore = table.getChildElement(startIndex).cast();
if (table.legacyRenderRowValues) {
int count = 0;
while (insertBefore != null && count < childCount) {
Element next = insertBefore.getNextSiblingElement();
insertBefore = (next == null) ? null : next.<TableRowElement> cast();
} else {
while (insertBefore != null
&& table.tableBuilder.getRowValueIndex(insertBefore) < absEndIndex) {
Element next = insertBefore.getNextSiblingElement();
insertBefore = (next == null) ? null : next.<TableRowElement> cast();

// Add new child elements.
TableSectionElement newSection = convertToSectionElement(table, section.getTagName(), html);
Element newChild = newSection.getFirstChildElement();
while (newChild != null) {
Element next = newChild.getNextSiblingElement();
section.insertBefore(newChild, insertBefore);
newChild = next;

* Reattach the section. If next section is null, the section will be
* appended instead.
reattachSectionElement(parent, section, nextSection);

// Detach the event listener.
if (!table.isAttached()) {
DOM.setEventListener(table.getElement(), null);

* Detach a table section element from its parent.
* @param section the element to detach
protected void detachSectionElement(TableSectionElement section) {

* Reattach a table section element from its parent.
* @param parent the parent element
* @param section the element to reattach
* @param nextSection the next section
protected void reattachSectionElement(Element parent, TableSectionElement section,
Element nextSection) {
parent.insertBefore(section, nextSection);

* Render a table section in the table.
* @param table the {@link AbstractCellTable}
* @param section the {@link TableSectionElement} to replace
* @param html the html of a table section element containing the rows
protected void replaceAllRowsImpl(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section,
SafeHtml html) {

* Implementation of {@link CellTable} used by Firefox.
private static class ImplMozilla extends Impl {
* Firefox 3.6 and earlier convert td elements to divs if the tbody is
* removed from the table element.
protected void detachSectionElement(TableSectionElement section) {
if (isGecko192OrBefore()) {

protected void reattachSectionElement(Element parent, TableSectionElement section,
Element nextSection) {
if (isGecko192OrBefore()) {
super.reattachSectionElement(parent, section, nextSection);

* Return true if using Gecko 1.9.2 (Firefox 3.6) or earlier.
private native boolean isGecko192OrBefore() /*-{

* Implementation of {@link AbstractCellTable} used by IE.
private static class ImplTrident extends Impl {

* A different optimization is used in IE.
protected void detachSectionElement(TableSectionElement section) {

protected void reattachSectionElement(Element parent, TableSectionElement section,
Element nextSection) {

* Instead of replacing each TR element, swaping out the entire section is much faster. If
* the table has a sectionChangeHandler, this method will be used.
protected void replaceAllRowsImpl(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section,
SafeHtml html) {
if (table instanceof TableSectionChangeHandler) {
replaceTableSection(table, section, html);
} else {
replaceAllRowsImplLegacy(table, section, html);

// GWT Issue #9164 -
// Solution described in thread:!topic/google-web-toolkit/lNOKG2dgAzs
private native final void setRowInnerHtmlToNull(Element row) /*-{
row.innerHTML = null;

* This method is used for legacy AbstractCellTable that's not a
* {@link TableSectionChangeHandler}.
protected void replaceAllRowsImplLegacy(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section,
SafeHtml html) {
// Remove all children.
Element child = section.getFirstChildElement();
while (child != null) {
Element next = child.getNextSiblingElement();
// GWT Issue #9164 -
// Solution described in thread:!topic/google-web-toolkit/lNOKG2dgAzs
child = next;

// Add new child elements.
TableSectionElement newSection = convertToSectionElement(table, section.getTagName(), html);
child = newSection.getFirstChildElement();
while (child != null) {
Element next = child.getNextSiblingElement();
child = next;

* Render html into a table section. This is achieved by first setting the html in a DIV
* element, and then swap the table section with the corresponding element in the DIV. This
* method is used in IE since the normal optimizations are not feasible.
* @param table the {@link AbstractCellTable}
* @param section the {@link TableSectionElement} to replace
* @param html the html of a table section element containing the rows
private void replaceTableSection(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section,
SafeHtml html) {
String sectionName = section.getTagName().toLowerCase();
TableSectionElement newSection = convertToSectionElement(table, sectionName, html);
TableElement tableElement = table.getElement().cast();
// GWT Issue #9164 -
// Solution described in thread:!topic/google-web-toolkit/lNOKG2dgAzs
Element child = section.getFirstChildElement();
while (child != null) {
child = child.getNextSiblingElement();
tableElement.replaceChild(newSection, section);
if ("tbody".equals(sectionName)) {
((TableSectionChangeHandler) table).onTableBodyChange(newSection);
} else if ("thead".equals(sectionName)) {
((TableSectionChangeHandler) table).onTableHeadChange(newSection);
} else if ("tfoot".equals(sectionName)) {
((TableSectionChangeHandler) table).onTableFootChange(newSection);

* The error message used when {@link HeaderBuilder} returns malformed table
* section HTML.
private static final String MALFORMED_HTML_SECTION =
"Malformed HTML: The table section returned by HeaderBuilder or FooterBuilder must use the "
+ "tag name thead or tfoot, as appropriate, and cannot contain any attributes or styles.";

* The table specific {@link Impl}.
private static Impl TABLE_IMPL;

private static Template template;

* Check if a column consumes events.
private static boolean isColumnInteractive(HasCell<?, ?> column) {
Set<String> consumedEvents = column.getCell().getConsumedEvents();
return consumedEvents != null && consumedEvents.size() > 0;

* Get the {@link TableSectionElement} containing the children.
* @param tag the expected tag (tbody, tfoot, or thead)
private static SafeHtml tableSectionToSafeHtml(TableSectionBuilder section, String tag) {
if (!(section instanceof HtmlTableSectionBuilder)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only HtmlTableSectionBuilder is supported at this time");

// Strip the table section tags off of the tbody.
HtmlTableSectionBuilder htmlSection = (HtmlTableSectionBuilder) section;
String rawHtml = htmlSection.asSafeHtml().asString();
assert (tag.length()) == 5 : "Unrecognized tag: " + tag;
assert rawHtml.startsWith("<" + tag + ">") : MALFORMED_HTML_SECTION;
assert rawHtml.endsWith("</" + tag + ">") : MALFORMED_HTML_SECTION;
rawHtml = rawHtml.substring(7, rawHtml.length() - 8);
return SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString(rawHtml);

private boolean cellIsEditing;
private final List<Column<T, ?>> columns = new ArrayList<Column<T, ?>>();
private final Map<Column<T, ?>, String> columnWidths = new HashMap<Column<T, ?>, String>();
private boolean columnWidthsDirty;
private final Map<Integer, String> columnWidthsByIndex = new HashMap<Integer, String>();

* The maximum column index specified in column widths by index.
private int maxColumnIndex = -1;

* Indicates that at least one column depends on selection.
private boolean dependsOnSelection;

private Widget emptyTableWidget;
private FooterBuilder<T> footerBuilder;
private boolean footerRefreshDisabled;
private final List<Header<?>> footers = new ArrayList<Header<?>>();

* Indicates that at least one column handles selection.
private boolean handlesSelection;

private HeaderBuilder<T> headerBuilder;
private boolean headerRefreshDisabled;
private final List<Header<?>> headers = new ArrayList<Header<?>>();

* Indicates that either the headers or footers are dirty, and both should be
* refreshed the next time the table is redrawn.
private boolean headersDirty;

private TableRowElement hoveringRow;

* Indicates that at least one column is interactive.
private boolean isInteractive;

private int keyboardSelectedColumn = 0;
private int keyboardSelectedSubrow = 0;
private int lastKeyboardSelectedSubrow = 0;
private Widget loadingIndicator;
private boolean legacyRenderRowValues = true;
private final Resources resources;
private RowStyles<T> rowStyles;
private final ColumnSortList sortList = new ColumnSortList(new ColumnSortList.Delegate() {
public void onModification() {
if (!updatingSortList) {
private final Style style;
private CellTableBuilder<T> tableBuilder;
private boolean updatingSortList;

private boolean skipRowHoverCheck;
private boolean skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck;
private boolean skipRowHoverStyleUpdate;

* Constructs a table with the given page size, the specified {@link Style},
* and the given key provider.
* @param elem the parent {@link Element}
* @param pageSize the page size
* @param resources the resources to apply to the widget
* @param keyProvider an instance of ProvidesKey<T>, or null if the record
* object should act as its own key
public AbstractCellTable(Element elem, final int pageSize, Resources resources,
ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider) {
super(elem, pageSize, keyProvider);
this.resources = resources; =;

* Constructs a table with the given page size, the specified {@link Style},
* and the given key provider.
* @param widget the parent widget
* @param pageSize the page size
* @param resources the resources to apply to the widget
* @param keyProvider an instance of ProvidesKey<T>, or null if the record
* object should act as its own key
public AbstractCellTable(Widget widget, final int pageSize, Resources resources,
ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider) {
super(widget, pageSize, keyProvider);
this.resources = resources; =;

* Adds a column to the end of the table.
* @param col the column to be added
public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col) {
insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col);

* Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated header.
* @param col the column to be added
* @param header the associated {@link Header}
public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, Header<?> header) {
insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, header);

* Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated header and footer.
* @param col the column to be added
* @param header the associated {@link Header}
* @param footer the associated footer (as a {@link Header} object)
public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, Header<?> header, Header<?> footer) {
insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, header, footer);

* Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated String header.
* @param col the column to be added
* @param headerString the associated header text, as a String
public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, String headerString) {
insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, headerString);

* Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated {@link SafeHtml}
* header.
* @param col the column to be added
* @param headerHtml the associated header text, as safe HTML
public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml) {
insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, headerHtml);

* Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated String header and
* footer.
* @param col the column to be added
* @param headerString the associated header text, as a String
* @param footerString the associated footer text, as a String
public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, String headerString, String footerString) {
insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, headerString, footerString);

* Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated {@link SafeHtml}
* header and footer.
* @param col the column to be added
* @param headerHtml the associated header text, as safe HTML
* @param footerHtml the associated footer text, as safe HTML
public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml, SafeHtml footerHtml) {
insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, headerHtml, footerHtml);

* Add a handler to handle {@link ColumnSortEvent}s.
* @param handler the {@link ColumnSortEvent.Handler} to add
* @return a {@link HandlerRegistration} to remove the handler
public HandlerRegistration addColumnSortHandler(ColumnSortEvent.Handler handler) {
return addHandler(handler, ColumnSortEvent.getType());

* Add a style name to the <code>col</code> element at the specified index,
* creating it if necessary.
* @param index the column index
* @param styleName the style name to add
public abstract void addColumnStyleName(int index, String styleName);

* Add a handler to handle {@link RowHoverEvent}s.
* @param handler the {@link RowHoverEvent.Handler} to add
* @return a {@link HandlerRegistration} to remove the handler
public HandlerRegistration addRowHoverHandler(RowHoverEvent.Handler handler) {
return addHandler(handler, RowHoverEvent.getType());

* Clear the width of the specified {@link Column}.
* @param column the column
public void clearColumnWidth(Column<T, ?> column) {
updateColumnWidthImpl(column, null);

* Clear the width of the specified {@link Column}.
* @param column the column index
public void clearColumnWidth(Integer column) {

// Recalculate the maximum column index.
if (column >= maxColumnIndex) {
maxColumnIndex = -1;
for (Integer index : columnWidthsByIndex.keySet()) {
maxColumnIndex = Math.max(maxColumnIndex, index);

// Update the width of the column.
if (column < getRealColumnCount()) {
doSetColumnWidth(column, null);

* Flush all pending changes to the table and render immediately.
* <p>
* Modifications to the table, such as adding columns or setting data, are not
* rendered immediately. Instead, changes are coalesced at the end of the
* current event loop to avoid rendering the table multiple times. Use this
* method to force the table to render all pending modifications immediately.
* </p>
public void flush() {

* Get the column at the specified index.
* @param col the index of the column to retrieve
* @return the {@link Column} at the index
public Column<T, ?> getColumn(int col) {
return columns.get(col);

* Get the number of columns in the table.
* @return the column count
public int getColumnCount() {
return columns.size();

* Get the index of the specified column.
* @param column the column to search for
* @return the index of the column, or -1 if not found
public int getColumnIndex(Column<T, ?> column) {
return columns.indexOf(column);

* Get the {@link ColumnSortList} that specifies which columns are sorted.
* Modifications to the {@link ColumnSortList} will be reflected in the table
* header.
* <p>
* Note that the implementation may redraw the headers on every modification
* to the {@link ColumnSortList}.
* </p>
* @return the {@link ColumnSortList}
public ColumnSortList getColumnSortList() {
return sortList;

* Get the width of a {@link Column}.
* @param column the column
* @return the width of the column, or null if not set
* @see #setColumnWidth(Column, double, Unit)
public String getColumnWidth(Column<T, ?> column) {
return columnWidths.get(column);

* Get the widget displayed when the table has no rows.
* @return the empty table widget
public Widget getEmptyTableWidget() {
return emptyTableWidget;

* Get the {@link Header} from the footer section that was added with a
* {@link Column}.
public Header<?> getFooter(int index) {
return footers.get(index);

* Get the {@link HeaderBuilder} used to generate the footer section.
public FooterBuilder<T> getFooterBuilder() {
return footerBuilder;

* Get the {@link Header} from the header section that was added with a
* {@link Column}.
public Header<?> getHeader(int index) {
return headers.get(index);

* Get the {@link HeaderBuilder} used to generate the header section.
public HeaderBuilder<T> getHeaderBuilder() {
return headerBuilder;

* Get the index of the column that is currently selected via the keyboard.
* @return the currently selected column, or -1 if none selected
public int getKeyboardSelectedColumn() {
return KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED == getKeyboardSelectionPolicy() ? -1
: keyboardSelectedColumn;

* Get the index of the sub row that is currently selected via the keyboard.
* If the row value maps to one rendered row element, the subrow is 0.
* @return the currently selected subrow, or -1 if none selected
public int getKeyboardSelectedSubRow() {
return KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED == getKeyboardSelectionPolicy() ? -1
: keyboardSelectedSubrow;

* Get the widget displayed when the data is loading.
* @return the loading indicator
public Widget getLoadingIndicator() {
return loadingIndicator;

* Get the resources used by this table.
public Resources getResources() {
return resources;

* Get the {@link TableRowElement} for the specified row. If the row element
* has not been created, null is returned.
* @param row the row index
* @return the row element, or null if it doesn't exists
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the row index is outside of the
* current page
public TableRowElement getRowElement(int row) {
return getChildElement(row);

* Gets the object used to determine how a row is styled.
* @return the {@link RowStyles} object if set, null if not
public RowStyles<T> getRowStyles() {
return this.rowStyles;

* Inserts a column into the table at the specified index.
* @param beforeIndex the index to insert the column
* @param col the column to be added
public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col) {
insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, (Header<?>) null, (Header<?>) null);

* Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
* header.
* @param beforeIndex the index to insert the column
* @param col the column to be added
* @param header the associated {@link Header}
public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, Header<?> header) {
insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, header, null);

* Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
* header and footer.
* @param beforeIndex the index to insert the column
* @param col the column to be added
* @param header the associated {@link Header}
* @param footer the associated footer (as a {@link Header} object)
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range
public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, Header<?> header, Header<?> footer) {
// Allow insert at the end.
if (beforeIndex != getColumnCount()) {

headers.add(beforeIndex, header);
footers.add(beforeIndex, footer);
columns.add(beforeIndex, col);

// Increment the keyboard selected column.
if (beforeIndex <= keyboardSelectedColumn) {
keyboardSelectedColumn = Math.min(keyboardSelectedColumn + 1, columns.size() - 1);

// Move the keyboard selected column if the current column is not
// interactive.
if (isColumnInteractive(col)
&& ((keyboardSelectedColumn >= columns.size()) || !isColumnInteractive(columns
.get(keyboardSelectedColumn)))) {
keyboardSelectedColumn = beforeIndex;

// Sink events used by the new column.
Set<String> consumedEvents = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> cellEvents = col.getCell().getConsumedEvents();
if (cellEvents != null) {
if (header != null) {
Set<String> headerEvents = header.getCell().getConsumedEvents();
if (headerEvents != null) {
if (footer != null) {
Set<String> footerEvents = footer.getCell().getConsumedEvents();
if (footerEvents != null) {
CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().sinkEvents(this, consumedEvents);

headersDirty = true;

* Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
* String header.
* @param beforeIndex the index to insert the column
* @param col the column to be added
* @param headerString the associated header text, as a String
public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, String headerString) {
insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, new TextHeader(headerString), null);

* Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
* {@link SafeHtml} header.
* @param beforeIndex the index to insert the column
* @param col the column to be added
* @param headerHtml the associated header text, as safe HTML
public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml) {
insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, new SafeHtmlHeader(headerHtml), null);

* Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
* String header and footer.
* @param beforeIndex the index to insert the column
* @param col the column to be added
* @param headerString the associated header text, as a String
* @param footerString the associated footer text, as a String
public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, String headerString,
String footerString) {
insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, new TextHeader(headerString), new TextHeader(footerString));

* Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
* {@link SafeHtml} header and footer.
* @param beforeIndex the index to insert the column
* @param col the column to be added
* @param headerHtml the associated header text, as safe HTML
* @param footerHtml the associated footer text, as safe HTML
public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml,
SafeHtml footerHtml) {
insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, new SafeHtmlHeader(headerHtml), new SafeHtmlHeader(footerHtml));

* Check if auto footer refresh is enabled or disabled.
* @return true if disabled, false if enabled
* @see #setAutoFooterRefreshDisabled(boolean)
public boolean isAutoFooterRefreshDisabled() {
return footerRefreshDisabled;

* Check if auto header refresh is enabled or disabled.
* @return true if disabled, false if enabled
* @see #setAutoHeaderRefreshDisabled(boolean)
public boolean isAutoHeaderRefreshDisabled() {
return headerRefreshDisabled;

* Gets the skipRowHoverCheck flag. If true, the CellTable will not check for
* row-level hover events (MOUSEOVER and MOUSEOUT).
* @return the flag value
public boolean isSkipRowHoverCheck() {
return this.skipRowHoverCheck;

* Gets the skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck flag. If true, the CellTable will
* not check for floating (fixed position) elements over the hovered row.
* @return the flag value
public boolean isSkipRowHoverFloatElementCheck() {
return this.skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck;

* Gets the skipRowHoverStyleUpdate flag. If true, the CellTable will not update
* the row's style on row-level hover events (MOUSEOVER and MOUSEOUT).
* @return the flag value
public boolean isSkipRowHoverStyleUpdate() {
return this.skipRowHoverStyleUpdate;

* Redraw the table's footers. The footers will be re-rendered synchronously.
public void redrawFooters() {

* Redraw the table's headers. The headers will be re-rendered synchronously.
public void redrawHeaders() {

* Remove a column.
* @param col the column to remove
public void removeColumn(Column<T, ?> col) {
int index = columns.indexOf(col);
if (index < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified column is not part of this table.");

* Remove a column.
* @param index the column index
public void removeColumn(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= columns.size()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The specified column index is out of bounds.");

// Decrement the keyboard selected column.
if (index <= keyboardSelectedColumn && keyboardSelectedColumn > 0) {

// Redraw the table asynchronously.
headersDirty = true;

// We don't unsink events because other handlers or user code may have sunk
// them intentionally.

* Remove a style from the <code>col</code> element at the specified index.
* @param index the column index
* @param styleName the style name to remove
public abstract void removeColumnStyleName(int index, String styleName);

* Enable or disable auto footer refresh when row data is changed. By default,
* footers are refreshed every time the row data changes in case the headers
* depend on the current row data. If the headers do not depend on the current
* row data, you can disable this feature to improve performance.
* <p>
* Note that headers will still refresh when columns are added or removed,
* regardless of whether or not this feature is enabled.
* </p>
public void setAutoFooterRefreshDisabled(boolean disabled) {
this.footerRefreshDisabled = disabled;

* Enable or disable auto header refresh when row data is changed. By default,
* headers are refreshed every time the row data changes in case the footers
* depend on the current row data. If the footers do not depend on the current
* row data, you can disable this feature to improve performance.
* <p>
* Note that footers will still refresh when columns are added or removed,
* regardless of whether or not this feature is enabled.
* </p>
public void setAutoHeaderRefreshDisabled(boolean disabled) {
this.headerRefreshDisabled = disabled;

* Set the width of a {@link Column}. The width will persist with the column
* and takes precedence of any width set via
* {@link #setColumnWidth(int, String)}.
* @param column the column
* @param width the width of the column
public void setColumnWidth(Column<T, ?> column, String width) {
columnWidths.put(column, width);
updateColumnWidthImpl(column, width);

* Set the width of a {@link Column}. The width will persist with the column
* and takes precedence of any width set via
* {@link #setColumnWidth(int, double, Unit)}.
* @param column the column
* @param width the width of the column
* @param unit the {@link Unit} of measurement
public void setColumnWidth(Column<T, ?> column, double width, Unit unit) {
setColumnWidth(column, width + unit.getType());

* Set the width of a {@link Column}.
* @param column the column
* @param width the width of the column
* @param unit the {@link Unit} of measurement
public void setColumnWidth(int column, double width, Unit unit) {
setColumnWidth(column, width + unit.getType());

* Set the width of a {@link Column}.
* @param column the column
* @param width the width of the column
public void setColumnWidth(int column, String width) {
columnWidthsByIndex.put(column, width);
maxColumnIndex = Math.max(maxColumnIndex, column);

// Update the column width.
if (column < getRealColumnCount()) {
doSetColumnWidth(column, width);

* Set the widget to display when the table has no rows.
* @param widget the empty table widget, or null to disable
public void setEmptyTableWidget(Widget widget) {
this.emptyTableWidget = widget;

* Set the {@link HeaderBuilder} used to build the footer section of the
* table.
public void setFooterBuilder(FooterBuilder<T> builder) {
assert builder != null : "builder cannot be null";
this.footerBuilder = builder;

* Set the {@link HeaderBuilder} used to build the header section of the
* table.
public void setHeaderBuilder(HeaderBuilder<T> builder) {
assert builder != null : "builder cannot be null";
this.headerBuilder = builder;

* Set the keyboard selected column index.
* <p>
* If keyboard selection is disabled, this method does nothing.
* </p>
* <p>
* If the keyboard selected column is greater than the number of columns in
* the keyboard selected row, the last column in the row is selected, but the
* column index is remembered.
* </p>
* @param column the column index, greater than or equal to zero
public final void setKeyboardSelectedColumn(int column) {
setKeyboardSelectedColumn(column, true);

* Set the keyboard selected column index and optionally focus on the new
* cell.
* @param column the column index, greater than or equal to zero
* @param stealFocus true to focus on the new column
* @see #setKeyboardSelectedColumn(int)
public void setKeyboardSelectedColumn(int column, boolean stealFocus) {
assert column >= 0 : "Column must be zero or greater";
if (KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED == getKeyboardSelectionPolicy()) {

this.keyboardSelectedColumn = column;

// Reselect the row to move the selected column.
setKeyboardSelectedRow(getKeyboardSelectedRow(), keyboardSelectedSubrow, stealFocus);

public void setKeyboardSelectedRow(int row, boolean stealFocus) {
setKeyboardSelectedRow(row, 0, stealFocus);

* Set the keyboard selected row and subrow, optionally focus on the new row.
* @param row the row index relative to the page start
* @param subrow the row index of the child row
* @param stealFocus true to focus on the new row
* @see #setKeyboardSelectedRow(int)
public void setKeyboardSelectedRow(int row, int subrow, boolean stealFocus) {
this.keyboardSelectedSubrow = subrow;
super.setKeyboardSelectedRow(row, stealFocus);

* Set the widget to display when the data is loading.
* @param widget the loading indicator, or null to disable
public void setLoadingIndicator(Widget widget) {
loadingIndicator = widget;

* Sets the object used to determine how a row is styled; the change will take
* effect the next time that the table is rendered.
* @param rowStyles a {@link RowStyles} object
public void setRowStyles(RowStyles<T> rowStyles) {
this.rowStyles = rowStyles;

* Sets the skipRowHoverCheck flag. If set, the CellTable will not check for
* row-level hover events (MOUSEOVER and MOUSEOUT).
* @param skipRowHoverCheck the new flag value
public void setSkipRowHoverCheck(boolean skipRowHoverCheck) {
this.skipRowHoverCheck = skipRowHoverCheck;

* Sets the skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck flag. If set, the CellTable will not
* not check for floating (fixed position) elements over the hovered row.
* @param skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck the new flag value
public void setSkipRowHoverFloatElementCheck(boolean skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck) {
this.skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck = skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck;

* Sets the skipRowHoverStyleUpdate flag. If set, the CellTable will not update
* the row's style on row-level hover events (MOUSEOVER and MOUSEOUT).
* @param skipRowHoverCheck the new flag value
public void setSkipRowHoverStyleUpdate(boolean skipRowHoverStyleUpdate) {
this.skipRowHoverStyleUpdate = skipRowHoverStyleUpdate;

* Specify the {@link CellTableBuilder} that will be used to render the row
* values into the table.
public void setTableBuilder(CellTableBuilder<T> tableBuilder) {
assert tableBuilder != null : "tableBuilder cannot be null";
this.tableBuilder = tableBuilder;

protected Element convertToElements(SafeHtml html) {
return TABLE_IMPL.convertToSectionElement(AbstractCellTable.this, "tbody", html);

protected boolean dependsOnSelection() {
return dependsOnSelection;

* Set the width of a column.
* @param column the column index
* @param width the width, or null to clear the width
protected abstract void doSetColumnWidth(int column, String width);

* Show or hide a header section.
* @param isFooter true for the footer, false for the header
* @param isVisible true to show, false to hide
protected abstract void doSetHeaderVisible(boolean isFooter, boolean isVisible);

protected Element getChildContainer() {
return getTableBodyElement();

* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* The row element may not be the same as the TR element at the specified
* index if some row values are rendered with additional rows.
* </p>
* @param row the row index, relative to the page start
* @return the row element, or null if it doesn't exists
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the row index is outside of the
* current page
protected TableRowElement getChildElement(int row) {
return getSubRowElement(row + getPageStart(), 0);

protected Element getKeyboardSelectedElement() {
return getKeyboardSelectedElement(getKeyboardSelectedTableCellElement());

* Get the real column count, which is the greater of the number of Columns or
* the maximum index of a column with a defined column width.
protected int getRealColumnCount() {
return Math.max(getColumnCount(), maxColumnIndex + 1);

* Get the tbody element that contains the render row values.
protected abstract TableSectionElement getTableBodyElement();

* Get the tfoot element that contains the footers.
protected abstract TableSectionElement getTableFootElement();

* Get the thead element that contains the headers.
protected abstract TableSectionElement getTableHeadElement();

protected boolean isKeyboardNavigationSuppressed() {
return cellIsEditing;

protected void onBlur() {
TableCellElement td = getKeyboardSelectedTableCellElement();
if (td != null) {
TableRowElement tr = td.getParentElement().cast();
setRowStyleName(tr, style.keyboardSelectedRow(), style.keyboardSelectedRowCell(), false);

protected void onBrowserEvent2(Event event) {
// Get the event target.
EventTarget eventTarget = event.getEventTarget();
if (! {
final Element target = event.getEventTarget().cast();

// Find the cell where the event occurred.
TableSectionElement tbody = getTableBodyElement();
TableSectionElement tfoot = getTableFootElement();
TableSectionElement thead = getTableHeadElement();
TableSectionElement targetTableSection = null;
TableCellElement targetTableCell = null;
Element cellParent = null;
Element headerParent = null; // Header in the headerBuilder.
Element headerColumnParent = null; // Column in the headerBuilder.
Element footerParent = null; // Header in the footerBuilder.
Element footerColumnParent = null; // Column in the footerBuilder.
Element maybeTableCell = null;
Element cur = target;

* If an event happens in the TD element but outside the cell's div, we want
* to handle it as if it happened within the table cell.
if (TableCellElement.TAG_TD.equalsIgnoreCase(cur.getTagName()) &&
tableBuilder.isColumn(cur.getFirstChildElement())) {
cur = cur.getFirstChildElement();

while (cur != null && targetTableSection == null) {
* Found the table section. Return the most recent cell element that we
* discovered.
if (cur == tbody || cur == tfoot || cur == thead) {
targetTableSection = cur.cast(); // We found the table section.
if (maybeTableCell != null) {
targetTableCell = maybeTableCell.cast();

// Look for a table cell.
String tagName = cur.getTagName();
if (TableCellElement.TAG_TD.equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)
|| TableCellElement.TAG_TH.equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) {
* Found a table cell, but we can't return yet because it may be part
* of a sub table within the a CellTable cell.
maybeTableCell = cur;

// Look for the most immediate cell parent if not already found.
if (cellParent == null && tableBuilder.isColumn(cur)) {
cellParent = cur;

* Look for the most immediate header parent if not already found. Its
* possible that the footer or header will mistakenly identify a header
* from the other section, so we remember both. When we eventually reach
* the target table section element, we'll know for sure if its a header
* of footer.
if (headerParent == null && headerBuilder.isHeader(cur)) {
headerParent = cur;
if (footerParent == null && footerBuilder.isHeader(cur)) {
footerParent = cur;

// Look for the most immediate column parent if not already found.
if (headerColumnParent == null && headerBuilder.isColumn(cur)) {
headerColumnParent = cur;
if (footerColumnParent == null && footerBuilder.isColumn(cur)) {
footerColumnParent = cur;

// Iterate.
cur = cur.getParentElement();
if (targetTableCell == null) {

// Support the legacy mode where the div inside of the TD is the cell
// parent.
if (legacyRenderRowValues) {
cellParent = targetTableCell.getFirstChildElement();

* Forward the event to the associated header, footer, or column.
TableRowElement targetTableRow = targetTableCell.getParentElement().cast();
String eventType = event.getType();
boolean isSelect = BrowserEvents.CLICK.equals(eventType)
|| (BrowserEvents.KEYDOWN.equals(eventType) && event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER);

int col = targetTableCell.getCellIndex();
if (targetTableSection == thead || targetTableSection == tfoot) {
boolean isHeader = (targetTableSection == thead);
headerParent = isHeader ? headerParent : footerParent;
Element columnParent = isHeader ? headerColumnParent : footerColumnParent;

boolean shouldSortColumn = true;
// Fire the event to the header.
if (headerParent != null) {
Header<?> header =
isHeader ? headerBuilder.getHeader(headerParent) : footerBuilder

if (header != null) {
int headerIndex = isHeader ? headerBuilder.getRowIndex(targetTableRow) :
Context context = new Context(headerIndex, col, header.getKey());

if (cellConsumesEventType(header.getCell(), eventType)) {
header.onBrowserEvent(context, headerParent, event);

if (isSelect) {
// Preview the event, and possibily disable the column sort event. The event preview is
// forced even if the header cell does not consume click event
shouldSortColumn = header.onPreviewColumnSortEvent(context, headerParent, event);

// Sort the header.
if (isSelect && shouldSortColumn && columnParent != null) {
Column<T, ?> column =
isHeader ? headerBuilder.getColumn(columnParent) : footerBuilder
if (column != null && column.isSortable()) {
* Force the headers to refresh the next time data is pushed so we
* update the sort icon in the header.
headersDirty = true;

updatingSortList = true;
updatingSortList = false;, sortList);
} else if (targetTableSection == tbody) {
* Get the row index of the data value. This may not correspond to the DOM
* row index if the user specifies multiple table rows per row object.
int absRow = tableBuilder.getRowValueIndex(targetTableRow);
int relRow = absRow - getPageStart();
int subrow = tableBuilder.getSubrowValueIndex(targetTableRow);

if (!skipRowHoverCheck) {
boolean isRowChange = hoveringRow != targetTableRow;
if (BrowserEvents.MOUSEOVER.equals(eventType)) {
// Unstyle the old row if it is still part of the table.
if (hoveringRow != null && getTableBodyElement().isOrHasChild(hoveringRow)) {
setRowHover(hoveringRow, event, false, isRowChange);
hoveringRow = targetTableRow;
setRowHover(hoveringRow, event, true, isRowChange);
} else if (BrowserEvents.MOUSEOUT.equals(eventType) && hoveringRow != null) {
boolean unhover = true;
if (!skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck) {
// Ignore events happening directly over the hovering row. If there are floating element
// on top of the row, mouseout event should not be triggered. This is to avoid the flickring
// effect if the floating element is shown/hide based on hover event.
int clientX = event.getClientX() + Window.getScrollLeft();
int clientY = event.getClientY() + Window.getScrollTop();
int rowLeft = hoveringRow.getAbsoluteLeft();
int rowTop = hoveringRow.getAbsoluteTop();
int rowWidth = hoveringRow.getOffsetWidth();
int rowHeight = hoveringRow.getOffsetHeight();
int rowBottom = rowTop + rowHeight;
int rowRight = rowLeft + rowWidth;
unhover = clientX < rowLeft || clientX > rowRight || clientY < rowTop || clientY > rowBottom;
if (unhover) {
setRowHover(hoveringRow, event, false, isRowChange);
hoveringRow = null;

// If the event causes us to page, then the physical index will be out
// of bounds of the underlying data.
if (!isRowWithinBounds(relRow)) {

* Fire a preview event. The preview event is fired even if the TD does
* not contain a cell so the selection handler and keyboard handler have a
* chance to act.
boolean isSelectionHandled =
|| KeyboardSelectionPolicy.BOUND_TO_SELECTION == getKeyboardSelectionPolicy();
T value = getVisibleItem(relRow);

* Create a new context based on the dom column index instead of using the
* user provided one from TableBuilder. We trigger cell preview events for
* table cells even if there is no associated Cell instance. If we used
* the user provided context, we could get inconsistent states where the
* Context is sometimes user provided and sometimes generated based on the
* DOM column index.
Context context = new Context(absRow, col, getValueKey(value), subrow);
CellPreviewEvent<T> previewEvent =, event, this, context, value, cellIsEditing,

// Pass the event to the cell.
if (cellParent != null && !previewEvent.isCanceled()) {
HasCell<T, ?> column;
if (legacyRenderRowValues) {
column = columns.get(col);
} else {
column = tableBuilder.getColumn(context, value, cellParent);
if (column != null) {
fireEventToCell(event, eventType, cellParent, value, context, column);

protected void onFocus() {
TableCellElement td = getKeyboardSelectedTableCellElement();
if (td != null) {
TableRowElement tr = td.getParentElement().cast();
setRowStyleName(tr, style.keyboardSelectedRow(), style.keyboardSelectedRowCell(), true);

protected void refreshColumnWidths() {
int columnCount = getRealColumnCount();
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
doSetColumnWidth(i, getColumnWidth(i));

* @deprecated as of GWT 2.5, use a {@link CellTableBuilder} to customize the
* table structure instead
* @see #renderRowValuesLegacy(SafeHtmlBuilder, List, int, SelectionModel)
protected void renderRowValues(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, List<T> values, int start,
SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel) {
legacyRenderRowValues = false;

* Render all row values into the specified {@link SafeHtmlBuilder}.
* <p>
* This method is here for legacy reasons, to support subclasses that call
* {@link #renderRowValues(SafeHtmlBuilder, List, int, SelectionModel)}.
* </p>
* @param sb the {@link SafeHtmlBuilder} to render into
* @param values the row values
* @param start the absolute start index of the values
* @param selectionModel the {@link SelectionModel}
* @deprecated as of GWT 2.5, use a {@link CellTableBuilder} to customize the
* table structure instead
protected final void renderRowValuesLegacy(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, List<T> values, int start,
SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel) {
int keyboardSelectedRow = getKeyboardSelectedRow() + getPageStart();
String evenRowStyle = style.evenRow();
String oddRowStyle = style.oddRow();
String cellStyle = style.cell();
String evenCellStyle = " " + style.evenRowCell();
String oddCellStyle = " " + style.oddRowCell();
String firstColumnStyle = " " + style.firstColumn();
String lastColumnStyle = " " + style.lastColumn();
String selectedRowStyle = " " + style.selectedRow();
String selectedCellStyle = " " + style.selectedRowCell();
int columnCount = columns.size();
int length = values.size();
int end = start + length;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
T value = values.get(i - start);
boolean isSelected =
(selectionModel == null || value == null) ? false : selectionModel.isSelected(value);
boolean isEven = i % 2 == 0;
String trClasses = isEven ? evenRowStyle : oddRowStyle;
if (isSelected) {
trClasses += selectedRowStyle;

if (rowStyles != null) {
String extraRowStyles = rowStyles.getStyleNames(value, i);
if (extraRowStyles != null) {
trClasses += " ";
trClasses += extraRowStyles;

SafeHtmlBuilder trBuilder = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
int curColumn = 0;
for (Column<T, ?> column : columns) {
String tdClasses = cellStyle;
tdClasses += isEven ? evenCellStyle : oddCellStyle;
if (curColumn == 0) {
tdClasses += firstColumnStyle;
if (isSelected) {
tdClasses += selectedCellStyle;
// The first and last column could be the same column.
if (curColumn == columnCount - 1) {
tdClasses += lastColumnStyle;

// Add class names specific to the cell.
Context context = new Context(i, curColumn, getValueKey(value));
String cellStyles = column.getCellStyleNames(context, value);
if (cellStyles != null) {
tdClasses += " " + cellStyles;

SafeHtmlBuilder cellBuilder = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
if (value != null) {
column.render(context, value, cellBuilder);

// Build the contents.
SafeHtml contents = SafeHtmlUtils.EMPTY_SAFE_HTML;
contents = template.div(cellBuilder.toSafeHtml());

// Build the cell.
HorizontalAlignmentConstant hAlign = column.getHorizontalAlignment();
VerticalAlignmentConstant vAlign = column.getVerticalAlignment();
if (hAlign != null && vAlign != null) {
trBuilder.append(template.tdBothAlign(tdClasses, hAlign.getTextAlignString(), vAlign
.getVerticalAlignString(), contents));
} else if (hAlign != null) {
trBuilder.append(template.tdHorizontalAlign(tdClasses, hAlign.getTextAlignString(),
} else if (vAlign != null) {
trBuilder.append(template.tdVerticalAlign(tdClasses, vAlign.getVerticalAlignString(),
} else {
trBuilder.append(, contents));


sb.append(, trBuilder.toSafeHtml()));

protected void replaceAllChildren(List<T> values, SafeHtml html) {

* If html is not null and legacyRenderRowValues is true, then the user
* overrode renderRowValues() and rendered directly into a SafeHtmlBuilder.
* The legacy method is deprecated but still supported.
if (html == null || legacyRenderRowValues == false) {
html = buildRowValues(values, getPageStart(), true);

TABLE_IMPL.replaceAllRows(this, getTableBodyElement(), CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().processHtml(

protected void replaceChildren(List<T> values, int start, SafeHtml html) {

* If html is not null and legacyRenderRowValues is true, then the user
* override renderRowValues() and rendered directly into a SafeHtmlBuilder.
* The legacy method is deprecated but still supported.
if (html == null || legacyRenderRowValues == false) {
html = buildRowValues(values, getPageStart() + start, false);

TABLE_IMPL.replaceChildren(this, getTableBodyElement(), CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().processHtml(
html), start, values.size());

protected boolean resetFocusOnCell() {
Element elem = getKeyboardSelectedElement();
if (elem == null) {
// There is no selected element.
return false;

int row = getKeyboardSelectedRow();
int col = getKeyboardSelectedColumn();
T value = getVisibleItem(row);
Object key = getValueKey(value);
// TODO(pengzhuang): this doesn't support sub row selection?
Context context = new Context(row + getPageStart(), col, key);
HasCell<T, ?> column = tableBuilder.getColumn(context, value, elem);
if (column == null) {
// The selected element does not contain a Cell.
return false;

resetFocusOnCellImpl(context, value, column, elem);
return false;

protected void setKeyboardSelected(int index, boolean selected, boolean stealFocus) {
if (KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED == getKeyboardSelectionPolicy()
|| !isRowWithinBounds(index)) {

// If deselecting, we deselect the previous subrow.
int subrow = lastKeyboardSelectedSubrow;
if (selected) {
subrow = keyboardSelectedSubrow;
lastKeyboardSelectedSubrow = keyboardSelectedSubrow;

// Deselect the row.
TableRowElement tr = getSubRowElement(index + getPageStart(), subrow);
if (tr == null) {
// The row does not exist.
String cellStyle = style.keyboardSelectedCell();
boolean updatedSelection = !selected || isFocused || stealFocus;
setRowStyleName(tr, style.keyboardSelectedRow(), style.keyboardSelectedRowCell(), selected);
NodeList<TableCellElement> cells = tr.getCells();
int keyboardColumn = Math.min(getKeyboardSelectedColumn(), cells.getLength() - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < cells.getLength(); i++) {
TableCellElement td = cells.getItem(i);
boolean isKeyboardSelected = (i == keyboardColumn);

// Update the selected style.
setStyleName(td, cellStyle, updatedSelection && selected && isKeyboardSelected);

// Mark as focusable.
final Element focusable = getKeyboardSelectedElement(td);
setFocusable(focusable, selected && isKeyboardSelected);

// Move focus to the cell.
if (selected && stealFocus && !cellIsEditing && isKeyboardSelected) {
CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().resetFocus(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {

* Get the column width. Associating a width with a {@link Column} takes
* precedence over setting the width of a column index.
* @param columnIndex the column index
* @return the column width, or null if none specified
String getColumnWidth(int columnIndex) {
String width = null;
if (columns.size() > columnIndex) {
// Look for the width by Column.
width = columnWidths.get(columns.get(columnIndex));
if (width == null) {
// Look for the width by index.
width = columnWidthsByIndex.get(columnIndex);
return width;

* Get a subrow element given the index of the row value and the sub row
* index.
* @param absRow the absolute row value index
* @param subrow the index of the subrow beneath the row.
* @return the row element, or null if not found
// Visible for testing.
TableRowElement getSubRowElement(int absRow, int subrow) {
int relRow = absRow - getPageStart();

* In most tables, the row element that represents the row object at the
* specified index will be at the same index in the DOM. However, if the
* user provides a TableBuilder that renders multiple rows per row value,
* that will not be the case.
* We use a binary search to find the row, but we start at the index as that
* is the most likely location.
NodeList<TableRowElement> rows = getTableBodyElement().getRows();
int rowCount = rows.getLength();
if (rowCount == 0) {
return null;

int frameStart = 0;
int frameEnd = rowCount - 1;
int domIndex = Math.min(relRow, frameEnd);
while (domIndex >= frameStart && domIndex <= frameEnd) {
TableRowElement curRow = rows.getItem(domIndex);
int rowValueIndex = tableBuilder.getRowValueIndex(curRow);
if (rowValueIndex == absRow) {
// Found a subrow in the row index.
int subrowValueIndex = tableBuilder.getSubrowValueIndex(curRow);
if (subrow != subrowValueIndex) {
// Shift to the correct subrow.
int offset = subrow - subrowValueIndex;
int subrowIndex = domIndex + offset;
if (subrowIndex >= rows.getLength()) {
// The subrow is out of range of the table.
return null;
curRow = rows.getItem(subrowIndex);
if (tableBuilder.getRowValueIndex(curRow) != absRow) {
// The "subrow" is actually part of the next row.
return null;
return curRow;
} else if (rowValueIndex > absRow) {
// Shift the frame to lower indexes.
frameEnd = domIndex - 1;
} else {
// Shift the frame to higher indexes.
frameStart = domIndex + 1;

// Move the dom index.
domIndex = (frameStart + frameEnd) / 2;

// The element wasn't found.
return null;

* Build a list of row values.
* @param values the row values to render
* @param start the absolute start index
* @param isRebuildingAllRows is this going to rebuild all rows
* @return a {@link SafeHtml} string containing the row values
private SafeHtml buildRowValues(List<T> values, int start, boolean isRebuildingAllRows) {
int length = values.size();
int end = start + length;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
T value = values.get(i - start);
tableBuilder.buildRow(value, i);

// Update the properties of the table.
TableSectionBuilder tableSectionBuilder = tableBuilder.finish();
return tableSectionToSafeHtml(tableSectionBuilder, "tbody");

* Check that the specified column is within bounds.
* @param col the column index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the column is out of bounds
private void checkColumnBounds(int col) {
if (col < 0 || col >= getColumnCount()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Column index is out of bounds: " + col);

* Coalesce the various cell properties (dependsOnSelection, handlesSelection,
* isInteractive) into a table policy.
private void coalesceCellProperties() {
dependsOnSelection = false;
handlesSelection = false;
isInteractive = false;
for (HasCell<T, ?> column : tableBuilder.getColumns()) {
Cell<?> cell = column.getCell();
if (cell.dependsOnSelection()) {
dependsOnSelection = true;
if (cell.handlesSelection()) {
handlesSelection = true;
if (isColumnInteractive(column)) {
isInteractive = true;

* Render the header or footer.
* @param isFooter true if this is the footer table, false if the header table
private void createHeaders(boolean isFooter) {
TableSectionBuilder section =
isFooter ? footerBuilder.buildFooter() : headerBuilder.buildHeader();
if (section != null) {
TABLE_IMPL.replaceAllRows(this, isFooter ? getTableFootElement() : getTableHeadElement(),
tableSectionToSafeHtml(section, isFooter ? "tfoot" : "thead"));
doSetHeaderVisible(isFooter, true);
} else {
// If the section isn't used, hide it.
doSetHeaderVisible(isFooter, false);

* Fire an event to the Cell within the specified {@link TableCellElement}.
private <C> void fireEventToCell(Event event, String eventType, Element parentElem,
final T rowValue, Context context, HasCell<T, C> column) {
// Check if the cell consumes the event.
Cell<C> cell = column.getCell();
if (!cellConsumesEventType(cell, eventType)) {

C cellValue = column.getValue(rowValue);
boolean cellWasEditing = cell.isEditing(context, parentElem, cellValue);
if (column instanceof Column) {
* If the HasCell is a Column, let it handle the event itself. This is
* here for legacy support.
Column<T, C> col = (Column<T, C>) column;
col.onBrowserEvent(context, parentElem, rowValue, event);
} else {
// Create a FieldUpdater.
final FieldUpdater<T, C> fieldUpdater = column.getFieldUpdater();
final int index = context.getIndex();
ValueUpdater<C> valueUpdater = (fieldUpdater == null) ? null : new ValueUpdater<C>() {
public void update(C value) {
fieldUpdater.update(index, rowValue, value);

// Fire the event to the cell.
cell.onBrowserEvent(context, parentElem, cellValue, event, valueUpdater);

// Reset focus if needed.
cellIsEditing = cell.isEditing(context, parentElem, cellValue);
if (cellWasEditing && !cellIsEditing) {
CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().resetFocus(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {

* Get the keyboard selected element from the selected table cell.
* @return the keyboard selected element, or null if there is none
private Element getKeyboardSelectedElement(TableCellElement td) {
if (td == null) {
return null;

* The TD itself is a cell parent, which means its internal structure
* (including the tabIndex that we set) could be modified by its Cell. We
* return the TD to be safe.
if (tableBuilder.isColumn(td)) {
return td;

* The default table builder adds a focusable div to the table cell because
* TDs aren't focusable in all browsers. If the user defines a custom table
* builder with a different structure, we must assume the keyboard selected
* element is the TD itself.
Element firstChild = td.getFirstChildElement();
if (firstChild != null && td.getChildCount() == 1
&& "div".equalsIgnoreCase(firstChild.getTagName())) {
return firstChild;

return td;

* Get the {@link TableCellElement} that is currently keyboard selected.
* @return the table cell element, or null if not selected
private TableCellElement getKeyboardSelectedTableCellElement() {
int colIndex = getKeyboardSelectedColumn();
if (colIndex < 0) {
return null;

// Do not use getRowElement() because that will flush the presenter.
int rowIndex = getKeyboardSelectedRow();
if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= getTableBodyElement().getRows().getLength()) {
return null;
TableRowElement tr = getSubRowElement(rowIndex + getPageStart(), keyboardSelectedSubrow);
if (tr != null) {
int cellCount = tr.getCells().getLength();
if (cellCount > 0) {
int column = Math.min(colIndex, cellCount - 1);
return tr.getCells().getItem(column);
return null;

* Initialize the widget.
private void init() {
if (TABLE_IMPL == null) {
TABLE_IMPL = GWT.create(Impl.class);
if (template == null) {
template = GWT.create(Template.class);

// Sink events.
Set<String> eventTypes = new HashSet<String>();
CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().sinkEvents(this, eventTypes);

// Set the table builder.
tableBuilder = new DefaultCellTableBuilder<T>(this);
headerBuilder = new DefaultHeaderOrFooterBuilder<T>(this, false);
footerBuilder = new DefaultHeaderOrFooterBuilder<T>(this, true);

// Set the keyboard handler.
setKeyboardSelectionHandler(new CellTableKeyboardSelectionHandler<T>(this));

* Mark the column widths as dirty and redraw the table.
private void refreshColumnsAndRedraw() {
columnWidthsDirty = true;

* Refresh the headers and column widths.
private void refreshHeadersAndColumnsImpl() {
// Refresh the column widths if needed.
if (columnWidthsDirty) {
columnWidthsDirty = false;

// Render the headers and footers.
boolean wereHeadersDirty = headersDirty;
headersDirty = false;
if (wereHeadersDirty || !headerRefreshDisabled) {
if (wereHeadersDirty || !footerRefreshDisabled) {

private <C> boolean resetFocusOnCellImpl(Context context, T value, HasCell<T, C> column,
Element cellParent) {
C cellValue = column.getValue(value);
Cell<C> cell = column.getCell();
return cell.resetFocus(context, cellParent, cellValue);

* Set a row's hovering style and fire a {@link RowHoverEvent}
* @param tr the row element
* @param event the original event
* @param isHovering false if this is an unhover event
* @param isRowChange true if the hover event is a full row change, false if it is a hover on a
* cell. Row style update is called only on full row change.
private void setRowHover(TableRowElement tr, Event event, boolean isHovering,
boolean isRowChange) {
if (!skipRowHoverStyleUpdate) {
setRowStyleName(tr, style.hoveredRow(), style.hoveredRowCell(), isHovering);
}, tr, event, !isHovering,
isRowChange ? RowHoverEvent.HoveringScope.ROW_HOVER
: RowHoverEvent.HoveringScope.CELL_HOVER);

* Apply a style to a row and all cells in the row.
* @param tr the row element
* @param rowStyle the style to apply to the row
* @param cellStyle the style to apply to the cells
* @param add true to add the style, false to remove
private void setRowStyleName(TableRowElement tr, String rowStyle, String cellStyle, boolean add) {
setStyleName(tr, rowStyle, add);
NodeList<TableCellElement> cells = tr.getCells();
for (int i = 0; i < cells.getLength(); i++) {
setStyleName(cells.getItem(i), cellStyle, add);

* Update the width of all instances of the specified column. A column
* instance may appear multiple times in the table.
* @param column the column to update
* @param width the width of the column, or null to clear the width
private void updateColumnWidthImpl(Column<T, ?> column, String width) {
int columnCount = getColumnCount();
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
if (columns.get(i) == column) {
doSetColumnWidth(i, width);

Thank you SO much for this. I tested this using my test project and it seems to have solved the memory leak completely! I've attached my version of the file (modified from 2.5.1-rc1 branch) with your changes.

What's the best way to get this fix to the GWT code base so that future versions of GWT will have this fix as well? I'd previously logged Issue #9164 ( on the gwtproject page.

Thanks again!

On Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at 7:11:24 AM UTC-4, DaveC wrote:

I think you'll have to dig into AbstractCellTable in order to fix this. I did a quick test of a fix I implemented and it "appears" to work for IE11 running IE8/IE9 mode but not IE10 mode, I've not tested it in a real IE8 or IE9.

Basically what I did was exaactly what you said - set row.innerHTML to null.

I took a copy of AbstractCellTable (including the package structure) and placed it in my test project. In the ImplTrident inner class I've tweaked the methods replaceTableSection and replaceAllRowsImplLegacy to set the innerHTML to null for each row e.g. 

    private native final void setRowInnerHtmlToNull(Element row)/*-{
    row.innerHTML = null;

private void replaceTableSection.....

 TableElement tableElement = table.getElement().cast();
      Element child = section.getFirstChildElement();
      while (child != null) {
        child = child.getNextSiblingElement();
      tableElement.replaceChild(newSection, section);


 protected void replaceAllRowsImplLegacy(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section,
        SafeHtml html) {
      // Remove all children.
      Element child = section.getFirstChildElement();
      while (child != null) {
        Element next = child.getNextSiblingElement();
        child = next;


Hope this helps.


On Thursday, 23 July 2015 22:05:10 UTC+1, Harvard Pan wrote:

Our company uses GWT 2.5.1-rc1 and many of our customers (healthcare) use IE8. We were hopeful that the memory leak in CellTable would have been addressed by the memory leak fix for FlexTable. That leak (Issue 6938 - was fixed in 2.6. After grabbing the fix and merging it into the 2.5.1-rc1 code, we can confirm that FlexTable indeed is fixed and no longer leaking. However, we still have leaking resources in CellTable. I've written a small sample application to demonstrate the code that leaks. It's available on BitBucket for anyone to pull.
The root cause of 6938 was described in a Microsoft Connect page:
In it, it describes multiple reasons for the leak, including:
  • rows with ids
  • cells with ids
  • code that references a row.cells expression, even if it does not store or use the result (that's the fix in 6938)
  • code that does not set row.innerHTML to null after invoking table.deleteRow() for the row.
I imagine that the CellTable leak is related to one of the conditions above. I suspect the last one as I never do actually see any setting to null of innerHTML in the javascript. Wanted to check in to see if anyone on this forum had any ideas on where we could investigate next.


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