Monday, April 1, 2013

Re: Same text, different Signature with each execution

Hi Jens. 

Thank you so much for your answer. I´ll take a look.

El lunes, 1 de abril de 2013 01:50:56 UTC+2, Jens escribió:
No idea. Only thing I would change is to explicitly use a Charset like UTF-8 in String.getBytes() and probably inside Base64Utils.toBase64(). As you only use JRE classes beside Base64Utils I would first double check Base64Utils if it works correctly.

The following JUnit 4 test works (it does not use Base64Utils, but feel free to modify it):

public class SignatureTest {      private KeyPair keyPair;    private Signature signer;      @Before    public void setUp() throws Exception {      keyPair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA").generateKeyPair();      initSigner();    }      @Test    public void testSign() throws Exception {      //3 signs of the same text. Reusing signer (JavaDoc: signer.sign() resets signer)      String signed1 = sign("Hello World!!!");      String signed2 = sign("Hello World!!!");      String signed3 = sign("Hello World!!!");        printFirstBytes(signed1);      printFirstBytes(signed2);      printFirstBytes(signed3);        Assert.assertEquals(signed1, signed2);      Assert.assertEquals(signed2, signed3);      Assert.assertEquals(signed1, signed3);        //3 signs of the same text. Re-instantiate/init signer each time manually      String signed4 = signWithNewSigner("Hello World!!!");      String signed5 = signWithNewSigner("Hello World!!!");      String signed6 = signWithNewSigner("Hello World!!!");        printFirstBytes(signed4);      printFirstBytes(signed5);      printFirstBytes(signed6);        Assert.assertEquals(signed4, signed5);      Assert.assertEquals(signed5, signed6);      Assert.assertEquals(signed4, signed6);      }      private String sign(String text) throws Exception {      signer.update(text.getBytes("UTF-8"));      return new String(signer.sign(), "UTF-8");    }      private String signWithNewSigner(String text) throws Exception {      initSigner();      return sign(text);    }      private void initSigner() throws Exception {      signer = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");      signer.initSign(keyPair.getPrivate());    }      private void printFirstBytes(String source) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {      byte[] bytes = source.getBytes("UTF-8");      for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length && i < 8; i++) {        System.out.print(bytes[i] + ", ");      }      System.out.println("");    }    }

-- J.

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