Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Re: super dev mode Jetty version?

Hi Jens,
I have a similar issue to what Edward described but with Elasticsearch versions above 6.1.1.
Could you please help to reduce the "minimal amount of time to install my own Jetty" by providing some guidance on how to accomplish that. The documentation is not particularly clear on how to do that. I am using IntelliJ.
Hope you can help.

PS It would be great not to deal with that issue at all and have an up-to-date version of Jetty as was the case for many years of working with GWT without all these troubles. Switching to SuperDev mode and losing the ability to debug directly in IntelliJ was a huge step back and now that. GWT is an amazing under-appreciated API but little effort is made lately to make it better and help developers to focus on development rather than configuration incompatibilities. 

On Friday, April 13, 2018 at 5:30:14 AM UTC-4, Jens wrote:
The easiest solution would be to invest a minimal amount of time to install and configure your own Jetty server and use it instead of the embedded Jetty provided by GWT. This has the big benefit that you can configure anything you like and match your production environment without any GWT stuff involved.

GWT might update its internal Jetty not just because of its dependencies but also because it doesn't work with web app libraries containing module-info.clas files (Java 9), see . However it is not a high priority given you can always use your own server, which is actually the recommend solution. 

-- J.

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