Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Re: Why code ends up in Left over Soyc report? How to analyze?

As your if-statement can not be evaluated to either true or false at compile time / static code analysis
Hmmm interesting... 
Any idea how I can optimize this such that it's "left alone"? (I can't really think of one).

What I do: the LoginController is created in a split point and put in a ControllerRegister. 
When the Account Component access the login name through the LoginFacade singleton (getLoginFacade().getLoginName()), the facade will lookup the LoginController in the ControllerRegister. If it's present, it will pass on the method, else it will return null (the IF statement)....

You probably can't change the if statement. The only thing you could do is introduce a third party that is explicitly shared between Account, Login and possibly other components and that stores the login data. That third party would then end up in the left-over fragment but Account would not directly access Login anymore which should make Login exclusive. 

So Account => Login becomes Account => Shared data <= Login

-- J.

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