Saturday, December 31, 2011

Re: does lazy loading OneToMany Relationship fails RequestFactory proxies?

check that, actually i a slightly different error only difference is instead of JobHistory, i get JobHistoryPk can't be sent to the client.

On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 7:56 AM, Elhanan Maayan <> wrote:
ok, they really REALLY need to fix that thing, i changed the directory of .apt_generated to .apt_gen and got an exception on the serve side (some stupid bug in eclipse link which doesn't make it compatible with jpa), i dunno if this was the original problem, but after fixing it still get the original error.

On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 1:56 AM, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:

On Saturday, December 31, 2011 9:08:50 PM UTC+1, Elhanan wrote:
i'm trying use an entity employee which has JobHistory entities related to it..i should add that although jobHistory is considered an entity, it has an embeddedId which is a dervied from manytoOne relationships. 

anyway i tried using eager loading, but it still doesn't work. i get this: The domain type cannot be sent to the client

Nothing to do with lazy-loading here: RF cannot find a proxy type for the domain class JobHistory (that matches the one declared as the employee proxy getter return type). It can be an issue with the ValidationTool, or with your code (mismatch between ProxyFor and your proxies and domain classes).

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Re: does lazy loading OneToMany Relationship fails RequestFactory proxies?

ok, they really REALLY need to fix that thing, i changed the directory of .apt_generated to .apt_gen and got an exception on the serve side (some stupid bug in eclipse link which doesn't make it compatible with jpa), i dunno if this was the original problem, but after fixing it still get the original error.

On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 1:56 AM, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:

On Saturday, December 31, 2011 9:08:50 PM UTC+1, Elhanan wrote:
i'm trying use an entity employee which has JobHistory entities related to it..i should add that although jobHistory is considered an entity, it has an embeddedId which is a dervied from manytoOne relationships. 

anyway i tried using eager loading, but it still doesn't work. i get this: The domain type cannot be sent to the client

Nothing to do with lazy-loading here: RF cannot find a proxy type for the domain class JobHistory (that matches the one declared as the employee proxy getter return type). It can be an issue with the ValidationTool, or with your code (mismatch between ProxyFor and your proxies and domain classes).

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Re: Image border

How are you adding the image? Using the URL property or as background image via CSS property? 

If u load it using URL property it does not show the border. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 1, 2012, at 8:38 AM, Pavel Byles <> wrote:

Is there a way to remove the default border from a gwt image widget?

in my css I have: 

img {  

border: none;

Yet nothing changes.

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Image border

Is there a way to remove the default border from a gwt image widget?

in my css I have: 

img {  

border: none;

Yet nothing changes.

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Re: does lazy loading OneToMany Relationship fails RequestFactory proxies?

On Saturday, December 31, 2011 9:08:50 PM UTC+1, Elhanan wrote:
i'm trying use an entity employee which has JobHistory entities related to it..i should add that although jobHistory is considered an entity, it has an embeddedId which is a dervied from manytoOne relationships. 

anyway i tried using eager loading, but it still doesn't work. i get this: The domain type cannot be sent to the client

Nothing to do with lazy-loading here: RF cannot find a proxy type for the domain class JobHistory (that matches the one declared as the employee proxy getter return type). It can be an issue with the ValidationTool, or with your code (mismatch between ProxyFor and your proxies and domain classes).

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Re: GWT application freezes when new version is deployed while using it

runAsync are not expected to do RPC, these are separated concerns.

But you pass a RunAsyncCallback to GWT.runAsync(), and the onFailure of this callback is indeed called when the fragment cannot be loaded.

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Re: Something other than a Java object was returned from JSNI method

Hi Thomas, thanks for the welcome back!

It appears that there are two issues for me, not one 
    - the one you kindly gave me the link to (I had actually looked at it, but didn't get any further than the first entry because the version was so old) 
    - and the other is the random history onValueChange with a blank token followed immediately by it firing with the current token (or what was current before the blank one was fired). I really can't see where that one is coming from. I only have one History.newItem call and that has issueEvent set to false, and I have no timers anywhere (apart from a couple of scheduleDeferred in order to redraw the screen or allow the UncaughtExceptionHandler to become active. So what is firing it?

I think I'm going to have to switch to Firefox for development and for general browsing as the lesser of a number of evils. I've used Chrome as my main browser since it came out because it was simple and uncluttered and refreshingly clean, but recent (and not so recent) changes mean it's not as good as it used to be for me. Just one example, I used to have a list of recently closed tabs right there on the new tab page, but now I have to use the 'Recently Closed' menu to get to them. Whose bright idea was that, and how did it get through any kind of sanity check? 'Look lads, I've got this great idea, we'll improve the user experience by hiding the closed tabs and making the user click more times than they used to have to.'

'Great idea, we'll put it in the next release!'


Anyway, Happy New Year to all who read this far :-)


On 30 December 2011 22:59, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
Hi Ian, welcome back!

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Re: A new-comer nightmare, the learning curve and best-practices

well first off i'm not sure how RequestFactory is related to spring, it is more related to orm frameworks integration into GWT. 
actually GWT has a lot more integration with gin (the client side of guice in gwt)  and guice then spring, (unless i'm wrong, but i saw a lot more frameworks using it then with spring). 
as for the lack of/sparse documentation, yep, it is a problem, sometimes i think gwt acts more like a start-up company then well founded one like google, although the developer guide does cover most of the bits, the nuts and bolts are hidden away, without proper documentation aside from the source code (and there's a lot of it).
as for the too much code problem, yep, that's also a problem which seems to be increasing with each major of gwt. 
this is why i've seen frameworks result in code generation of boilerplate codes the ease up this pain. 

although the MVP articles are good, they are rather confusing as GWT doesn't have a direct implementation of them, this is because the Activity Places framework, doesn't exactly cover that (you should replace the word Activity with presenter)  

for the UI, you should stop thinking in terms of pages, but start thinking like a desktop developer, the html page is just a thin cover host, it does nothing more then serve your app to the browser, from then on GWT takes over. 

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does lazy loading OneToMany Relationship fails RequestFactory proxies?

i'm trying use an entity employee which has JobHistory entities related to it..i should add that although jobHistory is considered an entity, it has an embeddedId which is a dervied from manytoOne relationships. 

anyway i tried using eager loading, but it still doesn't work. i get this: The domain type cannot be sent to the client
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.RequestLogHandler.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.content(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(
at org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool$

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GWT i18n - locale set by property provider is not reflected at the client side

I am setting the locale value using the property provider( returns
value dynamically based on certain conditions). This class is called
every time the browser issues a new request. But the UI is not
rendered with the locale returned by the property provider. If the
property provider returns different values on each request, the value
returned for the first time by this class is used by GWT client side

If i use

at the client code(onModuleLoad()), the first value returned by the
property provider is returned here.

Any help.

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Re: Deferred binding failed for ClientFactory


While wrestling with this, I've also been trying and failing to get
the GWT plugin to install (see

On another user's recommendation I installed Eclipse 3.7 for EE
(removing all previous Eclipse folders). After installing the plugin,
my app worked. However this was not without some pain: Eclipse
insisted that "there are no GWT SDKs in your build path" and that two
references to GWT.getModuleName() in a .ui.xml file were invalid
because the method did not exist (absolutely untrue). I deleted these
errors and finally got my current app to run in devmode.

On Dec 30, 7:05 am, Thad <> wrote:
> My app is running fine on my Linux machine with GWT 2.3. I'm now
> trying to build it on a Windows box with GWT 2.4 (Eclipse 3.6 in both
> cases).
> When I run it in devmode from Eclipse, I get this error:
> Uncaught exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding
> failed for 'com.optix.cold.client.ClientFactory' (did you forget to
> inherit a required module?)
>     at
>     at
>     at com.optix.cold.client.Cold.onModuleLoad2(
> ...
> The line in question (#187) is:
>     ClientFactory clientFactory = GWT.create(ClientFactory.class);
> My gwt.xml file includes:
>   <replace-with class="com.optix.cold.client.ClientFactoryImpl">
>     <when-type-is class="com.optix.cold.client.ClientFactory"/>
>   </replace-with>
> That's all lifted right out of the Activities and Places example
> (
> DevGuideMvpActivitiesAndPlaces.html).
> As I said, this all runs on GWT 2.3. I copied the files over in a zip
> file, only changing the war/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servlet.jar and gwt-
> servlet-deps.jar to match 2.4.
> I've also tried changing "new PlaceController(EventBus)" from the
> deprecated (in 2.4) to
> What could be going wrong?
> My other apps are running fine, but I don't attempt deferred binding
> in those.

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Re: Cannot install Eclipse GWT (and other Google)-plug-ins


And getting the GWT stuff installed in Eclipse seems to have fixed the
problem I linked to in my last message. However this was not without
some pain: Eclipse insisted that "there are no GWT SDKs in your build
path" and that two references to GWT.getModuleName() in a .ui.xml file
were invalid because the method did not exist (absolutely untrue). I
deleted these errors and finally got my current app to run in devmode.

On Dec 31, 10:17 am, Thad <> wrote:
> "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers", which is all I've ever used on
> Linux. I've tried both 3.6 and 3.7. I've been trying with the 64-bit
> version which matches my JDK.
> I've removed all Eclipse folders and downloads from this Windows box
> and will try again (at least I hope I've gotten them all, even
> the .eclipse folder in my home folder). I'll try the EE version this
> time.
> I'm wondering if this problem with GWT is what's causing my other
> current Windows difficulty:
> I'm very close to blowing away Windows 7 on this laptop and going with
> Linux. But given all the unique problems caused by IE, I want to have
> a Window test machine for that as well even if the OS is horribly slow
> and obtuse.
> On Dec 31, 6:33 am, Ian Bambury <> wrote:
> > What version of Eclipse are you using? As I said, the only one that would
> > work for me was the Java EE.
> > On 31 December 2011 14:27, Thad <> wrote:
> > > I have Oracle's JDK 1.6.0_29 installed on Windows 7. I've installed
> > > Eclipse 3.7.
> > > The ONLY portion from the link below that installs is GWT Designer for
> > > GPE.  For ALL other components I'm told they can't be found. For
> > > example:
> > > Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
> > > not be found.
> > >  Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7
> > > 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37
> > > (
> > > 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37)
> > > (In a related note, it's stuff like this that dissuades me from using
> > > Maven. I've never ran a Maven build of any size for which all the
> > > required components could be found.)
> > > On Dec 30, 9:00 pm, Alan <> wrote:
> > > > install oracle jdk, no open jdk
> > > > ...
> > > >
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > > "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to
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> > >
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> > >

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Re: Cannot install Eclipse GWT (and other Google)-plug-ins

"Eclipse IDE for Java Developers", which is all I've ever used on
Linux. I've tried both 3.6 and 3.7. I've been trying with the 64-bit
version which matches my JDK.

I've removed all Eclipse folders and downloads from this Windows box
and will try again (at least I hope I've gotten them all, even
the .eclipse folder in my home folder). I'll try the EE version this

I'm wondering if this problem with GWT is what's causing my other
current Windows difficulty:

I'm very close to blowing away Windows 7 on this laptop and going with
Linux. But given all the unique problems caused by IE, I want to have
a Window test machine for that as well even if the OS is horribly slow
and obtuse.

On Dec 31, 6:33 am, Ian Bambury <> wrote:
> What version of Eclipse are you using? As I said, the only one that would
> work for me was the Java EE.
> On 31 December 2011 14:27, Thad <> wrote:
> > I have Oracle's JDK 1.6.0_29 installed on Windows 7. I've installed
> > Eclipse 3.7.
> > The ONLY portion from the link below that installs is GWT Designer for
> > GPE.  For ALL other components I'm told they can't be found. For
> > example:
> > Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
> > not be found.
> >  Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7
> > 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37
> > (
> > 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37)
> > (In a related note, it's stuff like this that dissuades me from using
> > Maven. I've never ran a Maven build of any size for which all the
> > required components could be found.)
> > On Dec 30, 9:00 pm, Alan <> wrote:
> > > install oracle jdk, no open jdk
> > > ...
> > >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >

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Re: GWT application freezes when new version is deployed while using it

In the case of code-splitting, it sometimes doesn't make RPC calls when the user navigates around. Rather, it tries to load the .cache.js files required for the "page" the user is navigating to. In the case where a new version is deployed and the user hasn't refreshed, these files of course won't exist. How do you handle this gracefully?

We're using AppEngine so new versions don't have the old .cache.js files by default.

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Re: Cannot install Eclipse GWT (and other Google)-plug-ins

What version of Eclipse are you using? As I said, the only one that would work for me was the Java EE.

On 31 December 2011 14:27, Thad <> wrote:
I have Oracle's JDK 1.6.0_29 installed on Windows 7. I've installed
Eclipse 3.7.

The ONLY portion from the link below that installs is GWT Designer for
GPE.  For ALL other components I'm told they can't be found. For

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
not be found.
 Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7

(In a related note, it's stuff like this that dissuades me from using
Maven. I've never ran a Maven build of any size for which all the
required components could be found.)

On Dec 30, 9:00 pm, Alan <> wrote:
> install oracle jdk, no open jdk
> ...

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Re: Cannot install Eclipse GWT (and other Google)-plug-ins

I have Oracle's JDK 1.6.0_29 installed on Windows 7. I've installed
Eclipse 3.7.

The ONLY portion from the link below that installs is GWT Designer for
GPE. For ALL other components I'm told they can't be found. For

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
not be found.
Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7

(In a related note, it's stuff like this that dissuades me from using
Maven. I've never ran a Maven build of any size for which all the
required components could be found.)

On Dec 30, 9:00 pm, Alan <> wrote:
> install oracle jdk, no open jdk
> ...

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Re: Abridged summary of - 25 Messages in 15 Topics

Afin de mieux vous servir, nos deux sociétés ont décidé de réunir leurs compétences et
leur professionnalisme sous le nom de JPA CONSULTANTS SA .

Par ce partenariat, nous nous améliorerons sur les points suivants :
• Logiciel : SAGE, CEGID, CIEL, EBP...
• Matériels : Serveurs, connexions, Internet
• Proximité, écoute et disponibilité

Merci d'adresser vos messages à l'adresse suivante :

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Re: gwt

Only one element can have focus, so setting focus on another will automatically blur the  other.

On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Ian Bambury <> wrote:
Can you be a bit more specific - what exactly are you trying to do?

setFocus will move the focus to whatever you choose.


On 31 December 2011 05:50, Amrutha Thomas <> wrote:
but how can I change focus from one text box to another using this

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 4:09 AM, Ian Bambury <> wrote:

On 30 December 2011 09:49, Ed Bras <> wrote:
For any widget element:
* Sets the focus state of the element.
* @param focused the new focus state
public native void setFocus(Element elem, boolean focused) /*-{
try {
if (focused)
catch(err) {

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Amrutha Thomas <> wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how to change focus from one textbox to another textbox using gwt?

with best regards,


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with best regards,


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Re: DataGrid vs CellTable

DataGrid and CellTable both display data in similar ways; but DataGrid has fixed column headers with scrollable content (have a look at the Showcase:!CwCellTable vs.!CwDataGrid )
Note that DataGrid comes with a few constraints: it's a RequiresResize so it must be put inside a ProvidesResize widget or be explicitly sized, and it has fixed-width columns.

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does gwt support web socket?

does gwt support web socket?
have some APIs?

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Re: gwt

Can you be a bit more specific - what exactly are you trying to do?

setFocus will move the focus to whatever you choose.


On 31 December 2011 05:50, Amrutha Thomas <> wrote:
but how can I change focus from one text box to another using this

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 4:09 AM, Ian Bambury <> wrote:

On 30 December 2011 09:49, Ed Bras <> wrote:
For any widget element:
* Sets the focus state of the element.
* @param focused the new focus state
public native void setFocus(Element elem, boolean focused) /*-{
try {
if (focused)
catch(err) {

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Amrutha Thomas <> wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how to change focus from one textbox to another textbox using gwt?

with best regards,


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with best regards,


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Friday, December 30, 2011

DataGrid vs CellTable

Can anyone tell me what is the difference between DataGrid and
CellTable? When should we use which one?
It seems GWT documentations uses CellTable in DataGrid API page as an
example (
Are they same?

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Re: gwt

but how can I change focus from one text box to another using this

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 4:09 AM, Ian Bambury <> wrote:

On 30 December 2011 09:49, Ed Bras <> wrote:
For any widget element:
* Sets the focus state of the element.
* @param focused the new focus state
public native void setFocus(Element elem, boolean focused) /*-{
try {
if (focused)
catch(err) {

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Amrutha Thomas <> wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how to change focus from one textbox to another textbox using gwt?

with best regards,


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with best regards,


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Re: Cannot install Eclipse GWT (and other Google)-plug-ins

install oracle jdk, no open jdk

在 2011-12-30 下午9:19,"Clundahl" <>写道:
> Hi
> I run a VirtualBox on a 64 bit Windows 7, inside this I run a Ubuntu
> 10.11 (32-bit).
> The first thing i did when installation completed i ran
> sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
> And installed this (I have also tried with openjdk-7-jdk).
> Then i installed eclipse (turned out to be the Indigo release) and
> installed also the eclipse-jdts (nothing happened since this module
> was already present and up to date).
> Then i tried installing GWT-plugin from
> (and also from .../3.6). I tried installing with a multitude of
> combinations of Google-plug-ins included at the same time. For
> instance "Google plugin for eclipse 3.7" and "Google web toolkit SDK
> 2.4.0" together.
> This gave the following repsonse:
> Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
> not be found.
>  Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7
> 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37
> (
> 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37)
>  Missing requirement: Google App Engine Plugin 2.5.0.v201112160242-
> rel-r37 ( 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-
> r37) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not
> be found
>  Cannot satisfy dependency:
>    From: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37
> (
> 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37)
>    To: [2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-
> r37]
> I then tried to install everything from disc - downloading evertything
> from a manualy downloaded zip-file. This gave the same error.
> Do you kind and cunning people have any suggestions?
> //Chlundahl
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at

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Re: Cannot install Eclipse GWT (and other Google)-plug-ins

Nope, that didn't work either. Nor did trying to install the zip file
downloaded from
and running Eclipse as administrator. Gawd, I hate Windows.

On Dec 30, 7:34 am, Clundahl <> wrote:
> Hi everybody and thank you for your input and help
> I think i cracked it just now. I started eclipse with root (or 'sudo
> eclipse' anyway). And then it worked!
> Thad - could it be as simple for you? That you just have to start
> eclipse with the admin authority?
> Happy new year to you all
> //Chlundahl
> On 30 Dec, 14:30, Ian Bambury <> wrote:
> > Eventually I got it working by installing the 'Indigo Eclipse IDE for Java
> > EE Developers' version. All of the other versions I tried gave me the
> > problem you have, and none of the 'solutions' I found on the web worked
> > (e.g. install something before something else, uninstall something and
> > reinstall)
> > Let us know if it works for you.
> > Ian
> > On 30 December 2011 13:19, Clundahl <> wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > I run a VirtualBox on a 64 bit Windows 7, inside this I run a Ubuntu
> > > 10.11 (32-bit).
> > > The first thing i did when installation completed i ran
> > > sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
> > > And installed this (I have also tried with openjdk-7-jdk).
> > > Then i installed eclipse (turned out to be the Indigo release) and
> > > installed also the eclipse-jdts (nothing happened since this module
> > > was already present and up to date).
> > > Then i tried installing GWT-plugin from
> > >
> > > (and also from .../3.6). I tried installing with a multitude of
> > > combinations of Google-plug-ins included at the same time. For
> > > instance "Google plugin for eclipse 3.7" and "Google web toolkit SDK
> > > 2.4.0" together.
> > > This gave the following repsonse:
> > > Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
> > > not be found.
> > >  Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7
> > > 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37
> > > (
> > > 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37)
> > >  Missing requirement: Google App Engine Plugin 2.5.0.v201112160242-
> > > rel-r37 ( 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-
> > > r37) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not
> > > be found
> > >  Cannot satisfy dependency:
> > >    From: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37
> > > (
> > > 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37)
> > >    To: [2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-
> > > r37]
> > > I then tried to install everything from disc - downloading evertything
> > > from a manualy downloaded zip-file. This gave the same error.
> > > Do you kind and cunning people have any suggestions?
> > > //Chlundahl
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > > "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > >
> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > >

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Re: Something other than a Java object was returned from JSNI method

Hi Ian, welcome back!

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Something other than a Java object was returned from JSNI method

I keep getting errors like this (assert errors), seemingly at random.

I haven't done a lot of testing, but it seems to be only in Chrome (latest version) when running in OOPHM. There are different versions (e.g. go an int when expecting void etc).

I don't *think* it's me because I can leave the app overnight and get 20-ish of them turn up when all it is doing is sitting there. The line that throws the assertion error is always the same (or sometimes the assertion above - here's the trace

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invoke arguments: JS value of type boolean, expected java.lang.String
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor28.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at Source)

There's a comment there (

    // Just don't know what do to with this.

What appears to kick it off is an onValueChange event which just turns up for no reason with a blank token (when there is one there in the address bar)

I've done a bit of searching but can't find anything helpful or even anyone else reporting the same problem (apart from back when Chrome was back in the days of version 10 (I'm on v16.something).

Doesn't seem to happen live or in IE (haven't tried anything else).

Is this a known problem that I've failed to find references to, or does GWT/Chrome just hate me?

There's nothing very special about my app, it's about three days old and just logs people in or out and has history support and can page.

Any ideas?



(Back again after a bit of a gap :-) )

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Create an Image object from a url that requires authentication

Hello all,

I have some images stored in urls that are password protected, for
example I have the url imageUrl = The
problem is that I cannot use this url in the constructor of Image,
because then everyone can view the source and know these credentials.

Is there a way to authenticate to extract the username and password
from the url and establish an authenticated connection with that
server? And then use the plain url?

Thanks for any help.

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Re: RequestFactory - Intermittent "The AutoBean has been frozen" on newly created

That was it.


Thanks for the help guys.

On Dec 29, 3:56 pm, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> I confirm the need to always use the same instance on the server side in a given request. I do believe it's a bug though fwiw.

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Re: Cannot install Eclipse GWT (and other Google)-plug-ins

Hi everybody and thank you for your input and help

I think i cracked it just now. I started eclipse with root (or 'sudo
eclipse' anyway). And then it worked!

Thad - could it be as simple for you? That you just have to start
eclipse with the admin authority?

Happy new year to you all


On 30 Dec, 14:30, Ian Bambury <> wrote:
> Eventually I got it working by installing the 'Indigo Eclipse IDE for Java
> EE Developers' version. All of the other versions I tried gave me the
> problem you have, and none of the 'solutions' I found on the web worked
> (e.g. install something before something else, uninstall something and
> reinstall)
> Let us know if it works for you.
> Ian
> On 30 December 2011 13:19, Clundahl <> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I run a VirtualBox on a 64 bit Windows 7, inside this I run a Ubuntu
> > 10.11 (32-bit).
> > The first thing i did when installation completed i ran
> > sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
> > And installed this (I have also tried with openjdk-7-jdk).
> > Then i installed eclipse (turned out to be the Indigo release) and
> > installed also the eclipse-jdts (nothing happened since this module
> > was already present and up to date).
> > Then i tried installing GWT-plugin from
> >
> > (and also from .../3.6). I tried installing with a multitude of
> > combinations of Google-plug-ins included at the same time. For
> > instance "Google plugin for eclipse 3.7" and "Google web toolkit SDK
> > 2.4.0" together.
> > This gave the following repsonse:
> > Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
> > not be found.
> >  Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7
> > 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37
> > (
> > 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37)
> >  Missing requirement: Google App Engine Plugin 2.5.0.v201112160242-
> > rel-r37 ( 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-
> > r37) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not
> > be found
> >  Cannot satisfy dependency:
> >    From: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37
> > (
> > 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37)
> >    To: [2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-
> > r37]
> > I then tried to install everything from disc - downloading evertything
> > from a manualy downloaded zip-file. This gave the same error.
> > Do you kind and cunning people have any suggestions?
> > //Chlundahl
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >

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Deferred binding failed for ClientFactory

My app is running fine on my Linux machine with GWT 2.3. I'm now
trying to build it on a Windows box with GWT 2.4 (Eclipse 3.6 in both

When I run it in devmode from Eclipse, I get this error:

Uncaught exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding
failed for 'com.optix.cold.client.ClientFactory' (did you forget to
inherit a required module?)
at com.optix.cold.client.Cold.onModuleLoad2(

The line in question (#187) is:

ClientFactory clientFactory = GWT.create(ClientFactory.class);

My gwt.xml file includes:

<replace-with class="com.optix.cold.client.ClientFactoryImpl">
<when-type-is class="com.optix.cold.client.ClientFactory"/>

That's all lifted right out of the Activities and Places example

As I said, this all runs on GWT 2.3. I copied the files over in a zip
file, only changing the war/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servlet.jar and gwt-
servlet-deps.jar to match 2.4.

I've also tried changing "new PlaceController(EventBus)" from the
deprecated (in 2.4) to

What could be going wrong?

My other apps are running fine, but I don't attempt deferred binding
in those.

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Re: Serializing and Deserializing EntityProxy with created EntityProxy inside makes root EntityProxy have created EntityProxy's stableId

That appears to be the problem. Hopefully they put in a fix for it
since I could reproduce it 100% of the time and it's not an easy bug
to track down where it's happening. Thank you for the fix though.

On Dec 29, 6:13 pm, "Aidan O'Kelly" <> wrote:
> There's an issue with DefaultProxyStore that it doesn't always return
> sequential Ids from its nextId() method, which can result in some odd
> behaviour when serializing lists of ValueProxies, (all proxies point to the
> same object).
> Not sure if that's the issue here, but its worth giving a try as the fix is
> very simple, just make a copy of DefaultProxyStore and ensure it always
> returns a sequential Id, rather than the count of objects it contains.
> Here's my patched version:

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Re: Cannot install Eclipse GWT (and other Google)-plug-ins

Nope. I'm having the same problem trying to set up a Windows machine.
(My Linux box, set up months ago, works fine.)

> And installed this (I have also tried with openjdk-7-jdk).
> Then i installed eclipse (turned out to be the Indigo release) and
> installed also the eclipse-jdts (nothing happened since this module
> was already present and up to date).
> Then i tried installing GWT-plugin from
> (and also from .../3.6). I tried installing with a multitude of
> combinations of Google-plug-ins included at the same time. For
> instance "Google plugin for eclipse 3.7" and "Google web toolkit SDK
> 2.4.0" together.
> This gave the following repsonse:
> Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
> not be found.
>   Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7
> 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37
> (
> 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37)
>   Missing requirement: Google App Engine Plugin 2.5.0.v201112160242-
> rel-r37 ( 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-
> r37) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not
> be found
>   Cannot satisfy dependency:
>     From: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37
> (
> 2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-r37)
>     To: [2.5.0.v201112160242-rel-
> r37]
> I then tried to install everything from disc - downloading evertything
> from a manualy downloaded zip-file. This gave the same error.
> Do you kind and cunning people have any suggestions?
> //Chlundahl

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Re: GWT application freezes when new version is deployed while using it

Hi Thomas! Thanks for the reply.

"Freeze" means the whole app becomes unresponsive (buttons are not
clickable, etc)
You can also observe in the developers tool that no further requests
are made to the server from
that point.

"Full refresh" means F5 as you guessed.

I am thinking the problem is #3 . We are using code splitting and this
freeze occurs only
when the code changes (meaning a new cache.js file is created meaning
old once are not effective any more)

On Dec 30, 6:14 am, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> What do you mean by a "freeze"? and a "full refresh"?
>    1. users won't have the new version unless they refresh (F5) the page.
>    For this though, you have to ensure the *.nocache.js is effectively not
>    cached by browsers or proxies (or at a minimum cached with a
>    "must-revalidate" condition)
>    2. any change to a GWT-RPC class (particularly objects that are
>    transfered through RPC) will break older versions that are still in use,
>    with an IncompatibleRemoteServiceException, because client and server must
>    use the same serialization policies; you can track this to tell users to
>    refresh the page (I guess this is what the GWT-based Google Groups UI does)
>    3. if you use code splitting (runAsync) and you remove the old *.cache.*
>    files, users won't be able to download the fragments while they're using
>    the old version of the app. You can, again, catch this in the onFailure of
>    the RunAsyncCallback to tell users to refresh the page.
>    4. Every compilation should produce differently named *.cache.* files,
>    so you can safely set long cache times for these files:

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